Lab 4

Lab 4: Neural Networks, deadline: Jul 16

Update 14/7/2020: If you get stuck trying to calculate which digit gets classified as your digit: You can pass labels_test from main to the classify function (you can change the interface). Also, the comment in TODO 5 was wrong: You can use code like y_pred = net(x_test[labels_test.view(-1) == 3,:]) (note the use of labels and the extra colon) to pass all images in the test set that are 3s through your network. The file has been updated with these changes, but if you already found another solution, that’s fine too.


In this lab, we will use a neural network to classify images, and then generate more images of the same type. This lab is based on chapter 5.2 of “Deep Learning with PyTorch: Essential Excerpts”, and you may want to refer to it for more details if anything is unclear. You may also want to refer to this tutorial for the basics of defining Neural Networks in PyTorch.

The general idea of the lab is split into two tasks: First, you will build a classifier, that is able to identify one particular, handwritten digit (for example 2s) to learn the basics about Neural Networks in PyTorch, and how to use them. In the second task, you will build a second neural network that takes random numbers as its input and uses them to produce a new image of a 2. Each of these neural networks is trained using a target to calculate a loss. For the classifier, the loss is defined by how many digits it classifies wrongly (2s that are not identified as such, and other digits that are classified as 2s), while the generator uses the classifier to calculate its loss: The more generated images the classifier identifies as “fake”, the higher the loss of the generator. The two networks will therefore play a “game”: The classifier (also called “discriminator”) will become better and better at identifying “real” 2s, while the generator will become better and better at deceiving the discriminator.

To get started with this lab, install pytorch as described on their website (if you have doubts, use “Stable”, your OS, “pip”, and “Cuda 10.2”). You will need a 64bit installation of Python 3! If you have hardware limitations, and can’t install these requirements, contact the instructor, who can provide you with remote access to a machine at ECCI. Once you have installed torch, download this python file to get started. It will download and load the data set (note: The download is about 10MB in size, and it will uncompress to about 100MB), show you some basics of pytorch and provides a function to show or store images, which will be useful in this lab. The file also has clearly marked and numbered “TODO” sections for the parts you have to change, and the lab text will refer to these todos!

Image Classification

For the first part of this lab, you will construct a neural network to identify one particular digit. First, choose a digit; it can be your birthday, last digit of your carné, your favorite number, etc. (TODO 1) To train your neural network, you will use the tensor x_train as the training examples, and the tensor y_train as the desired output of the network: y_train will be 1 for each image that is of your chosen digit, and 0 for all others (labels_train tells us which image is of which digit). y_test is created in the same fashion for the test set. The code already does this (in main)

Now construct a neural network for this task. Your input comes in the form of 28x28 pixel images, which means you will have 784 inputs. The hidden layer or layers will have to “compress” this down to a single output, representing whether the input is an image of your chosen digit or not. Start with a LeakyReLU activation function in your hidden layer with 256 neurons and a Sigmoid activation function in your output layer (TODO 3).
Once you have your neural network, you need to train it. First, observe that you can pass more than one input into your network, and it will produce one output for each input. For example, if you have 100 images, you can pass a matrix with 100 rows (number of images) and 784 columns (number of pixels in each image) to the network, and it will produce a matrix with 100 rows, and 1 column (because you have one output for each input image). Note: The input and output will always be a matrix. Even if you only want to pass one image through the neural network, you have to pass it a matrix with 1 row and 784 columns and you will get a matrix with 1 row and 1 column as result. When in doubt, check the shape attribute of your input tensor: It has to have two dimensions.

For the actual training, you will use a loop. Implement the function train_classifier (TODO 4), as follows:

for i in range(n0):
    # reset gradients from previous iteration 
    # pass training examples through network to
    # get the current prediction 
    y_pred = model(x_train)
    # Calculate the loss: difference between the
    # current prediction and the true label 
    loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y_train)
    # Calculate the gradient of the loss 
    # Let the optimizer update the weights
    # using the gradients

Start with about 50 iterations, and increase when you think your code works (TODO 2).

In order to use this loop, you will need an optimizer opt; Use torch.optim.Adam (see the documentation for details on how to use an optimizer). Adam needs a starting learning rate, but it will automatically adapt it over time, so you can just start with something like 0.01, and not worry too much about it (later you can tweak this value). Implement the function classify that instantiates the neural network and the optimizer, calls train_classifier and then calculates the performance of the trained network on the test set (TODO 5):

To determine the performance of your neural network, calculate the accuracy (which percentage of images was classified correctly), the precision (which percentage of images identified as your chosen digit were actually that digit), and the recall (which percentage of your chosen digit was identified as such). You should be able to achieve at least 90% accuracy on the test set. Using the test set, determine which digits are most often mistaken for yours, and vice versa. For example, if you picked 2 as your digit, for each of the other digits count how often they were classified as a 2 (false positives).

Experiment with different number of hidden neurons and even layers and different activation functions, to see which one performs best. Generally, you will want to use Sigmoid or LeakyReLU activation functions in the hidden layers and Sigmoid in the output layer, but experiment with different options for the hidden layers. To measure performance after training, feed the test set to the neural network as input. This will tell you how well your network generalizes, rather than just measuring how much it memorizes.


  • The existing code performs a so-called normalization, by dividing every pixel by 255. The result is that every input value will be between 0 and 1. Do not change this!
  • You can perform many operations on entire tensors. For example (y_pred > 0.5).float() will turn your prediction into a tensor of 0s and 1s, depending on whether the prediction was less than or equal to 0.5 or not.
  • Tensors also have methods to calculate sum, mean and abs. There is also min and max, which can also calculate the minimum and maximum along a particular dimension (e.g. to calculate the maximum value for each row), and tell you at which index this element was found. You may want to keep the documentation handy.
  • You can use a bool tensor to index another tensor. For example y_train == 3 will tell you which images are 3s by producing a tensor that is True for each image that is of a 3 and False for all others. You can select all images that are 3s with x_train[y_train == 3]. This can be particularly useful to determine how each digit was classified by the neural network.
  • show_image can be used to display or even store an image to a file. The function has a parameter scale that you have to set to SCALE_01 to undo the normalization, or the image will just be black.
  • It is a good idea to print the loss in every iteration of the loop. If your training process works, the loss should steadily decrease, to below 0.1. If your loss does not go below 1 after even a few iterations, try reducing the learning rate.

Generative Adversarial Networks

For the second task, construct a second network that is responsible for generating new images from random inputs as a “mirror” of your classification network. For example, if your classifier has 3 hidden layers with 512, 256, and 128 neurons, your generator should have 3 hidden layers with 128, 256, and 512 neurons, with similar activation functions. The generator should use 100 inputs, and produce 28*28 = 784 outputs (TODO 7). To generate new images, these two networks “play a game” against each other, where the generator has the goal of producing images that look as realistic as possible, and the discriminator has to determine which images were produced by the generator and which are real.

Training the GAN

To train your GAN, you will need two functions: One to train the generator and one to train the discriminator. First, implement the function train_discriminator, which you can pass a tensor with real images and a tensor with fake images (TODO 8). Let your discriminator predict the labels for both sets of data, and calculate the loss with loss_fn, calculate the gradients of the parameters and perform an optimization step (Note: this is very similar to the training loop before, but you will have two sets of inputs: One consisting entirely of images you know to be real, and one consisting entirely of images you know to be fake. Call the network twice, once for each set, and compare to a tensor of all 1s for the real images, and a tensor of all 0s for the fake images to calculate the two losses). You can test this function with some random images/tensors (generated with torch.rand), and some images from the MNIST data set.

Then implement the function train_generator that samples random noise, passes it to the generator, and then passes the generated images on to the discriminator, and calculates the loss afterwards (Caution: For the generator your goal is for the predictor to predict these images as real), then calculate the gradient and perform an optimization step (TODO 9).

Finally, implement the function gan That first instantiates the two networks, and an optimizer for each, and some random fake images to start with. The training itself consist of an outer loop, and in each iteration, you first train the discriminator, then the generator and then add some new fake images to the training set for the discriminator:

x_false = torch.rand((100,784))

for i in range(n):
    train_discriminator(opt_d, discriminator, x_real, x_false)
    train_generator(opt_g, generator, discriminator)
    # generate 100 new fakes
    new_fakes = generator(torch.randn((100,100))).detatch()
    # Generate 100 random indices to keep
    keep_idx = torch.randperm(x_fake.size(0))[:100]
    # Select the images to keep
    x_keep = x_fake[keep_idx]
    # Concatenate the images to keep with the new fakes
    x_false =, new_fakes))
    # select one random new fake to save (you can also store more)
    j = random.randint(0,100)
    show_image(new_fakes[], "sample_%d_%d.png"%(i,j), scale=SCALE_01)


  • Use Adam as the optimizer for both networks
  • You may have to use a very low learning rate (0.0001 or less), especially if you notice that your generator error is 0, and the discriminator error is 1.
  • You should .detach() after you create fake images for training the generator so that you don’t unnecessarily calculate the gradients on the generator as well
  • Don’t forget to .zero_grads()
  • The fact that pytorch accumulates gradients is actually useful when training the generator: You can pass both image sets (fake and real) separately, calculate the loss on each, call backward() each time and you’ll have the total gradient.
  • One of the most common problems with GANs is that all produced images are identical or nearly identical (called “mode collapse”), because the generator has found the “perfect” image to fool the discriminator. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do when that happens is to restart training (perhaps with a lower learning rate) and hope to get a different/better initialization. Dropout layers (with probabilities of 0.5 even) in the generator may also help.

Perform this training and inspect the resulting images. Use a low n1 and n2 (around 20) at the beginning until you are sure that your code works and the loss actually decreases. Then increase these values. For the overall n, you will need very few iterations (less than 100). Don’t forget to include some sample images in your report, but also provide an estimate of what percentage of images “looks decent”, in your opinion. Once you have everything working, go back, and change the selection of which digit to generate (e.g. if you started with generating 2s, generate 4s now). You should be able to do this by changing the digit in a single place (in TODO 1), and everything else should work the same way.


You are required to document your work in a report, that you should write while you work on the lab. Include all requested images, and any other graphs you deem interesting, and describe what you observe. The lab text prompts you for specific information at times, but you are expected to fill in other text to produce a coherent document. Send the finished code (all python files you have!), and your report pdf in a zip file by email to me and Christian (, Use [CI-0129]Lab 4, carné 1 carné 2 as the subject line. Do not forget to put the names and carné’s of both team members in the report as well! Do not include the data set in this zip file or email.

Useful Resources