class: center, middle # Artificial Intelligence ### Lab 4 --- class: medium # Lab 4 * In Lab 4 you will work with Neural Networks in PyTorch * There are two parts: - Classification - Generative Adversarial Networks You will use the classifier from the first part in the second part! --- # Lab 4 * You can develop locally using [this python file](/CS4200/assets/ * Install pytorch according to the [instructions]( (if you are unsure: select Stable, pip, CPU, or CUDA10.2 if you have an NVidia card) * Alternatively, you can do the lab on Google Colaboratory using [this sheet]( * If you use Colab, you still have to submit a .py file (File -> Download -> Download .py)! --- # MNIST
--- class: medium # Framework When you open the .py file (or the colab notebook), you will see that there are several functions * `show_image` allows you to show or store image files * `main` will load the data set, do some preprocessing and call your other functions * `train_classifier` and `classify` are functions you implement in part 1 * `train_discriminator`, `train_generator` and `gan` are functions you implement in part 2 Places you need to edit are marked with "TODO n" where n goes from 1 to 10 --- # Lab 4 * In Lab 4 you will create a GAN to generate new pictures of handwritten digits * Focus on only one digit (pick one: your birthday, last digit of your BroncoID, your favorite number, ...) * We need two neural networks: A discriminator and a generator * We'll start with a simple classifier (TODOs 1-5) --- # Classifier: TODOs 1+2 * TODO 1: Pick a digit! * If you run the program without doing TODO 1, you will get an exception * TODO 2: Pick a number of iterations to train your classifier for * To start with, pick something very low, like 5, until the rest of your code works * Then increase the iterations to see if your network actually learns something --- # Classifier: TODO 3 * TODO 3: implement the `class Discriminator(nn.Module):` * The image has 28*28 pixels, so your network will have 784 inputs * The output should be **one** value, between 0 (image is not of the chosen digit) and 1 (it is), use a Sigmoid output layer! * To start, try one hidden layer with around 100-300 neurons with a LeakyReLU activation function in the hidden layer --- # Classifier: TODO 4 * TODO 4: Implement `train_classifier` ``` for i in range(n0): # 1. reset gradients (from previous iteration) to zero # 2. Pass training examples through network # 3. Calculate the loss # 4. Calculate the gradient by calling loss.backward() # 5. Perform an optimizer step ``` --- class: medium # Classifier: TODO 5 * TODO 5: Implement `classify` * Instantiate the network and the optimizer * Call `train_classifier` * Evaluate your trained model on the validation set * Calculate: Accuracy, precision, recall * Also calculate how often each digit is most often mistaken for your chosen digit --- # Lab 4 For comparison, reference classifier performance (not optimized!): * precision: 92% * recall: 91% * accuracy: 98% --- # GAN (TODOs 6-10) * When you are happy with the classifier performance it is time to create the GAN * For this, you will create a second network (TODO 7) * You also need a slightly different function to train your classifier (TODO 8) * The last two pieces are training the generator (TODO 9), and putting it all together (TODO 10) --- # GAN: TODO 6 * TODO 6 is where you set the iteration values * `n` is the number of overall iterations * In each of these iterations you will train the discriminator and the generator * `n1` is the number of iterations you train the discriminator for * `n2` is the number of iterations you train the generator for * Feel free to rename! --- # GAN: TODO 7 * TODO 7: Define Generator Network * It takes 100 inputs and produces 784 outputs (one for each pixel) * The output values should be between 0 and 1 (sigmoid!) * You can use the same structure as for the classifier (100-300 hidden units, LeakyReLU) for the hidden layer(s) --- # GAN: TODO 8 * TODO 8: Implement `train_discriminator` * This is very similar to `train_classifier` from before * The main difference is that you will get **two** separate data sets: `x_true` and `x_false` and no (explicit) labels * Instead, the classifier should predict `1` for each item in `x_true` and 0 for each item in `x_false` * Use `torch.ones_like` to generate the target vectors --- class: mmedium # GAN: TODO 9 * TODO 9: Implement `train_generator` * Your training loop will once again very similar * Sample inputs randomly from a normal distribution (`torch.randn`) and pass them to the generator network * For the loss function first pass the generator output through the (trained) discriminator network, then pass the output from that to the `loss_fn`, where we **want our outputs to be 1** (i.e. we want the discriminator to say that the images are real) * Then do a `backward` call, and optimizer step as normal * Your generator optimizer will only have the generator parameters as its target and therefore will not change the discriminator! --- class: mmedium # GAN: TODO 10 * TODO 10: implement `gan` * This is the overall training loop * In each iteration, you will first train the discriminator, and then the generator * Then you generate some new fake images with the generator * Keep an "episode memory" of fake images, to which you add newly generated fakes in every iteration and discard a few old ones * **Always** pass a matrix to the networks; if you want to generate a single image, the matrix has one row and 100 columns, e.g. from `torch.randn((1,100))` --- # Output * In each iteration, save a few images so you can visually inspect the training process * You may observe that all generated images are the same (mode collapse) * Try to add some randomness (Dropout layers in the generator, input- or output noise on the discriminator) if that happens * It's ok if you can not solve this issue --- # How to tell if it's working * Best indicator: Visually! * You should also print the loss in each iteration of each training loop * The loss for each network should gradually (**not** rapidly) decrease * It should not be exactly 0, though (then you are in a degenerate situation) --- # What to do if it's not working * Make sure your tensors have the correct shape (matrices!) * Make sure you use `loss_fn` (which is a `torch.nn.BCELoss()`) and **not** MSELoss! * Lower the learning rate (divide by 2 or even 10) * Vary the number of neurons and the activation functions (make sure your outputs are between 0 and 1, though) --- # GAN: Sample Results
* Your implementation may produce images faster, I deliberately slowed down training here. * Note: This is one image from each iteration, the others may look exactly the same, or very different --- class: mmedium # Bonus Points * Once generating MNIST images works, try other data sets: EMNIST (letters), KMNIST (hiragana), FashionMNIST (clothes) * These data sets have exactly the same structure as MNIST, so it should just be a matter of replacing which data set is loaded * Note: Digits are relatively forgiving, for more detail you may need to tweak your networks some more * You can also try CIFAR, ImageNet or other data sets, but for that you will have to change more of the structure * Another option for bonus points is doing something against mode collapse, like an entropy/variance based approach!