class: center, middle # Artificial Intelligence ### Search --- class: center, middle # Environments --- class: medium # Environments * Observability * Single-agent/multi-agent * Deterministic or stochastic * Episodic or sequential * Static or dynamic * Discrete or continuous * Known or unknown --- # Observability * In some environments, the agent has full knowledge * Often, though, they can not "see" everything * For example: In Poker the opponent's cards are hidden --- class: medium # Single vs. Multi-Agent * Single-Agent: The agent does not have to "worry" about what other agents are doing * Multi-Agent: There are other entities in the world that pursue goals * For example, "physics" is not really an agent, it has no goal * In games we often have opponents, and need to perform actions that take into account what the opponent is likely going to do --- # Deterministic or Stochastic * Deterministic: Each action always does the same thing, and nothing else changes the world * Stochastic: The state of the world may change by chance, or actions may have random effects * Note: Poker is technically **not** stochastic: The deck has a predetermined order (even if it is unknown to the agent) * Often, however, we abstract away unobservable information as stochasticity (self-driving cars) --- # Episodic vs. Sequential * Episodic: Each action is independent from other actions * Sequential: An action may have effects on future actions * Most games are sequential: If we perform an action, we change what we do in the future * Many tasks are episodic, though: Spam filtering, face recognition, path finding, etc. --- # Static vs. Dynamic * Static: The environment does not change if the agent does nothing * Dynamic: While the agent deliberates or acts, the environment may change * Note: This change may be due to "physics", or other agents * Semi-dynamic: The environment does not change, but the score does (chess clock) --- # Discrete vs. Continuous * Discrete: There is a finite/countable number of states and time moves in steps * Continuous: There is an uncountable number of states (like positions of a car in the real world), or time moves continuously * We can often discretize continuous variables * Many of our AI algorithms' complexity depends on the number of possible states --- # Known vs. Unknown * Known: The agent knows how the environment "works" (the "rules") * Unknown: The agent has to determine what each action does * Technically this isn't a property of the environment itself, but of the agent * For example, we can build an agent that knows the rules of Poker, or we could have one that learns them by trial and error --- # Environments
--- # Environments * Each of these different properties of environments poses different challenges for the agent * In this class, we will discuss several different algorithms, each of which addresses some of these challenges * The first environments we look at will be observable, single-agent, deterministic, episodic, static, discrete and known --- class: center, middle # Search --- # Graphs: A Representation! * A graph G = (V,E) consists of *vertices* (nodes) V and *edges* (connections) `\( E \subseteq V \times V \)` * Graphs can be connected, or have multiple components * Graphs can be directed (one-way streets) or undirected * Edges can have weights (costs) associated with them: `\( w: E \mapsto \mathbb{R} \)` * We will see that we can represent many things in graphs --- # Graphs * We can "walk" around our graph * Say we start at some node, and follow an edge * If we can get back to our start node without visiting any edge twice we have found a "cycle" * Cycles can complicate some things, so we like graphs without them * These graphs are called "trees" --- # Trees * An alternative view: We take some node and call it the *root* * All nodes connected to the root are its *children*, which we put in another layer * We then add another layer with the children's children, etc. * In the end, we have the root at the top, with a number of layers below it --- # Trees
--- # A note on Trees * Our choice of "root" was completely arbitrary in this case * We can redraw the same tree with a different node as the root * For many applications in AI we have some *interpretation* of the nodes, though * For example: In Single-player games the root is the current game state, and each edge is an action the player could perform --- # Sliding Puzzle Tree
--- # Tree Search * Let's say we want to win this game * We start at the root node and then we *search* for a *path* that leads to a solution state * What strategies/algorithms could we use to perform this search? --- # Tree Search * We start at some node * We can look at that node's neighbors * Then we can pick one of these neighbors to continue * Or we look at all the neighbors and continue from there? --- # Uninformed Search The simplest pathfinding algorithm works like this: - Keep track of which nodes are candidates for expansion (starting with the start node), called the **(search) frontier** - Take one of these nodes and expand it, adding all its children to the frontier - If you reach the target, you have found a path --- # Trees
--- class: medium # Breadth-First Search How do you "keep track" of nodes? Use a list/queue: - You add all neighbors of the start node to the queue - Then add the neighbors of the first, second, ... neighbor, to the end of your queue - When you are done with all neighbors, you continue with the neighbor's neighbors, etc. - This is called "breadth-first search" --- # Trees
--- class: medium # Depth-First Search How do you "keep track" of nodes? Use a stack: - You add all neighbors of the start node to the stack (in reverse order) - You start with the first neighbor, and add all its neighbors to the stack (in reverse order) - Then you continue with the first neighbor of the first neighbor, etc. - This is called "depth-first search" --- # Trees
--- # Tree Search: Summary
--- # Another example: Romania
--- # Open Questions * Arbitrary graphs? * Time and space (memory) requirements? * How do we actually implement this?! * What about distances, like in the Romania example? --- class: small # References * [BFS and DFS](