Project: Presentation and Report
Presentation and Report
In addition to the code, you are also required to give a short (5 minutes) presentation, using some of the images your raytracer has produced. You are specifically required to create your own test cases, to show off features that you implemented. Before the presentation, you should submit the images and captions you want to use, and I will assemble them into a single slideshow (to minimize transition times between presentations). You will also have to submit a written report where you describe the results in more detail.
“Flashy” demo
In order to have something to present, you are required to create a “flashy” demo or demos. What this looks like, depends on what you implemented, and what you want to “show off”. Reflections, for example, lend themselves to mirrors (planes), or reflective spheres. If you also have something like hyperboloids, the reflections will look very interesting. If you implemented refraction, having lenses made of hyperboloid shapes can produce very interesting results as well. Even without any bonus tasks, using textures on spheres and planes and triangles, having differently colored light sources, intersections of various shapes, etc. can all produce very cool images. The task here is for you to present the capabilities of your work in a creative way!
For the presentation, you can send me as many images as you think you can show in 5 minutes (I would say about 5-15, depending on how much you want to say about each), with appropriate captions. If you have an animation, that’s fine too (preferably submitted as .mp4 files). The deadline to submit these images is two days before the final presentation (the presentation is on 12/12, so the deadline for the images is 12/10), and there will be a separate Canvas-submission for these. I will then take all images from all students and create one giant set of slides, so that we don’t have to switch betwen computers for the presentations.
The final requirement is that you submit a report together with your source code. This report should contain: Which tasks and bonus tasks did you implement (you can refer to the list of tasks)? Which test cases did you use (including the “flashy” demo from above)? Did you encounter any particular challenges/do you have any further observations about your implementation? This is also a good place to point out any additional features you may have added :)