class: center, middle # Artificial Intelligence: Planning ### II Ciclo 2019 --- # Instructor and Schedule * Instructor: Dr. *Markus* Eger * Email:
* Office hours: Tuesday, Friday, 2-2.55pm * Class: Friday, 5-9pm --- # About Me * Originally from Austria --- # About Me
--- # About Me * Originally from Austria * BSc and MSc in Computer Science from University of Technology Graz, Austria * PhD in Computer Science from NC State University, USA * Games: Overwatch, Smite, Guild Wars 2, Incremental Games * I also like board games (Dominion, Pandemic, Ricochet Robots, ...) --- # About Me
--- # About My Research - For my dissertation ("Intentional Agents for Doxastic Games") I worked on games involving communication - Hanabi: Cooperative card game with restricted communication - One Night Ultimate Werewolf: Unrestricted communication, featuring lies and deception - I also worked on narrative generation for a bit, particularly detective stories - The basis for my work were Dynamic Epistemic Logic, *Planning*, and Intentionality --- # About You * Name * What do you work on? * Games * Fun facts? --- # Class Resources * Website:
* Piazza:
--- # Class contents * Logic * Pathfinding * Classical Planning - State-Space Planning - Plan-Space Planning - Planning Graphs - Planning Heuristics * Advanced Planning --- # Textbook * There is no required textbook for this class * [Automated Planning: Theory and Practice]( covers most of our content * *[Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach](* by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, chapters 10 and 11 is a good start * *[An introduction to least commitment planning](* by Daniel S. Weld * *[A Logic for Suspicious Players: Epistemic Actions and Belief-Updates in Games](* by Alexandru Baltag --- # Homework * (Almost) every week there will be homework * In the following week we discuss the homework: - For each problem, you indicate if you solved it or not - Then I will (semi-randomly) choose someone to present each problem on the board - In addition to your solution, I will also grade how well you present it --- # Homework: Scoring * The homework counts for 40% of the grade, 20% for problems solved, 20% for presentations * You get a fraction of the 20% equal to the fraction of problems you solved (i.e. if you solve every homework problem, you get the full 20%, if you only solve half, you get 10%) * For each presentation, you can get up to 5% * If it becomes clear during your presentation that you did not actually solve a problem, I may take away points --- # Selection Algorithm - Order problems by how many students solved them - Assign each student a number depending on how often they've already presented this semester - For each problem, in order, choose a student at random, biased by this number (higher = less likely to be chosen) - Remove chosen student from the list of all other problems - May need to backtrack/manually fix assignments in rare cases - If no one solves a problem, I'll present it --- # Selection Algorithm: Effects - If you solved a harder problem, you are more likely to present that - You should not have to present more than once per class (unless you are the only one to solve 2 or more of the problems) - Everyone should present about an equal number of times over the course of the semester - Presentation scores are additive, so a good presentation can make up for a less good one --- class: small # Project * In addition to the homeworks (which are basically math problems), you will complete a project (worth the other 60% of the grade) * The project consists of the implementation of a simplified planner in python 3 * You will implement this in four parts (15% of the grade each): - Data structures representing logical formulas, due Sep 19 - The A* pathfinding algorithm, due Sep 27 - A parser for Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) files, and connecting everything, due Nov 8 - A planning heuristic to improve performance, due Nov 22 * Submission as a zip-file of all code via email to me (
) * At the end of the semester we'll also have a small competition between all of your planners * If you want to submit a version with some experimental optimizations, you can also do that on Nov 22 --- # Grading * 60%: Project, consisting of 4 tasks worth 15% each * 40%: Homework - 20% for problems solved - 20% for presentations * If you are signed up for the lab: Your project counts as the lab --- class: middle, center # What is AI? --- # What is AI? * If you ask 20 AI researchers what AI is, you will get 25 different definitions * Some include Machine Learning, some say ML and AI are distinct things * Commonly, "the science of intelligent agents" * Behavior that can be applied in unknown situations * Or, as Douglas R. Hofstadter said "AI is whatever hasn't been done yet" * "Everything in AI is either representation or search" --- # AI vs. Machine Learning * There is a great deal of disagreement about the distinction between AI and Machine Learning (ML) * Some people say ML is a part of AI * Some people view them as different things: ML deals with deriving information from data, AI with formulating intelligence explicitly (mostly through logic) * I will use the term *symbolic AI* to refer to the field of study of solving problems through logic-based representations --- # What is Planning? * Planning is one of the central topics in symbolic AI * It is the idea that we want to tell an AI agent to "solve a problem" by itself * The general formulation involves actions that the agent can perform, and a definition of a goal * The agent will then automatically determine a sequence of actions that allows it to reach the goal --- class: center, middle # Logic --- # Why Logic? * As mentioned earlier, everything in AI is either representation or search * Logical formulas are often a very convenient representation * Why convenient? - Can be generated automatically - Can be processed automatically - Are very expressive * We will use logic extensively! --- # Propositional Logic * I'm assuming you are all familiar with propositional logic? * `\(a \wedge b\)`, `\(a \vee b\)`, `\(\neg a\)` * If we have some "interpretation" W of a and b, we can determine truth values * `\( W \models a \wedge b \)` iff a and b are both true in W, i.e. `\( W \models a \)` **and** `\(W \models b \)` * So what is W? --- # Interpretations * W is an *interpretation* (also called *state* or *world*), which assigns truth values to every constant * Sometimes it is convenient to just represent W as a set that contains everything that is true * Conversely, everything that is not in the set is false ("closed world assumption") * You may have heard the term *model*: An interpretation under which a formula is satisfied * A formula is a tautology if *all* interpretations are models --- # Interpretations $$ W = \\{a, b, c\\} $$ $$ W \models a \wedge b \\\\ W \models a \vee d \\\\ W \not\models a \wedge d\\\\ W \models d \rightarrow a\\\\ \ldots $$ --- # Predicate Logic * Representing any non-trivial state in propositional logic is tedious (imagine chess: there has to be one variable for each possible location of each piece) * We will use Predicate Logic instead, which represents the world as objects and relations between them * Objects: constants * Relations: Sets of n-tuples of objects, called predicates (n is the *arity* of the predicate) * (Functors: Assignments of n-tuples of objects to objects) * We also have sets of objects, and quantifiers `\( \forall, \exists \)` --- # Predicate Logic: Example $$ \mathit{human}(\mathit{socrates})\\\\ \forall h: \mathit{human}(h) \rightarrow \mathit{mortal}(h)\\\\ \mathit{friends}(\mathit{socrates}, \mathit{plato}) $$ -- `\(\mathit{human}(h)\)` is an unary relation, i.e. a set of 1-tuples/single elements. It is often more convenient to write: $$ \forall h \in \mathit{human}: \mathit{mortal}(h) $$ -- Using set-operators, we could also write `\((\mathit{socrates}, \mathit{plato}) \in \mathit{friends}\)` In fact, as we will see, that's how our interpretations work. --- # Predicate Logic: Syntax * A predicate name with parameters is called an *Atom* or *atomic formula*, e.g. `\(\mathit{human}(h)\)` * The `h` can either be a constant or a variable * If `h` is part of our *domain*, it is a constant * If `h` does not refer to any concrete object, it is a variable. A variable can be *bound* by a quantifier, or it can be *unbound*/*free* * A formula with no free variables is called *ground* --- # Predicate Logic: Syntax * Given two predicate logic formulas `\(\phi\)` and `\(\psi\)`, we can use the usual logical connectives `\(\wedge, \vee, \rightarrow, \neg \)` to construct more complex formulas * Conceptually, this will result in a (syntax) tree, where each interior node is an operator, and the leaves are atoms * If we have a formula `\(\phi\)` that contains a free variable `x`, we can *substitute* that variable with a value t, written `\(\phi[t/x]\)` --- # Predicate Logic: Semantics * Given a (ground) formula `\(\phi\)` and an interpretation/world `\(W\)`, we want to know if the formula holds in that world, i.e. if the world is a model for the formula * We write this as `\(W \models \phi\)` ("W models phi") * How do we determine that? - If `\(\phi\)` is an atom, it is true iff `\(\phi \in W\)` - If `\(\phi\)` is a more complex formula, use the syntax tree to determine the truth value --- # Predicate Logic: Semantics $$ W \models \neg \phi \:\:\text{iff}\:\:W \not\models \phi\\\\ W \models \phi \wedge \psi\:\:\text{iff}\:\:W \models \phi\:\:\text{and}\:\:W \models \psi\\\\ W \models \phi \vee \psi\:\:\text{iff}\:\:W \models \phi\:\:\text{or}\:\:W \models \psi\\\\ W \models \phi \rightarrow \psi\:\:\text{iff}\:\:W \not\models \phi\:\:\text{or}\:\:W \models \psi\\\\ W \models \forall x \in X: \phi\:\:\text{iff}\:\:W \models \phi[t/x]\:\:\text{for all}\:t \in X\\\\ W \models \exists x \in X: \phi\:\:\text{iff}\:\:W \models \phi[t/x]\:\:\text{for any}\:t \in X $$ --- class: small # Predicate Logic: Interpretations * We start with a *domain*, the set of all objects we can talk about * Technically, an interpretation has to assign objects to all our constants, since Socrates and Plato could be the same person in an interpretation! We will use the *unique-names assumption* to avoid such problems and will just assume that the constants are the same as the objects. * Then, the interpretation has to contain definitions for every predicate, in the form of a set of tuples. * The *closed world assumption* states that everything we don't know to be true (i.e. everything not in the set representing a predicate) is in fact false. * Using these assumptions, we can represent our interpretation as a set of true atoms, or as a collection of sets, one for each predicate. --- # Predicate Logic: Interpretations W: $$ \mathit{human} = \\{\mathit{socrates}, \mathit{plato}, \mathit{aristotle}\\}\\\\ \mathit{mortal} = \\{\mathit{socrates}, \mathit{plato}, \mathit{aristotle}, \mathit{DonaldDuck}\\}\\\\ \mathit{friends} = \\{(\mathit{socrates}, \mathit{plato}), (\mathit{socrates}, \mathit{DonaldDuck})\\}\\\\ $$ $$ W \models \mathit{human}(\mathit{socrates}) \\\\ W \models \forall h: \mathit{human}(h) \rightarrow \mathit{mortal}(h) \\\\ W \models \mathit{friends}(\mathit{socrates}, \mathit{plato})\\\\ W \not\models \mathit{friends}(\mathit{socrates}, \mathit{socrates})\\\\ \ldots $$ --- # Predicate Logic: Interpretations $$ W = \\{\mathit{human}(\mathit{socrates}), \mathit{human}(\mathit{plato}), \mathit{human}(\mathit{aristotle}), \\\\ \mathit{mortal}(\mathit{socrates}), \mathit{mortal}(\mathit{plato}), \mathit{mortal}(\mathit{aristotle}), \mathit{mortal}(\mathit{DonaldDuck}),\\\\ \mathit{friends}(\mathit{socrates}, \mathit{plato}), \mathit{friends}(\mathit{socrates}, \mathit{DonaldDuck})\\}\\\\ $$ $$ W \models \mathit{human}(\mathit{socrates}) \\\\ W \models \forall h: \mathit{human}(h) \rightarrow \mathit{mortal}(h) \\\\ W \models \mathit{friends}(\mathit{socrates}, \mathit{plato})\\\\ W \not\models \mathit{friends}(\mathit{socrates}, \mathit{socrates})\\\\ \ldots $$ --- class: small # Data Structures * First we need to represent atoms, maybe just as tuples: `\(human(h)\)` becomes `("human", "h")` or `("human", ("h",))` * Then we can store the atoms in a suitable data structure, e.g. a python set, to get our world * We represent our syntax tree using a data structure, e.g. ``` class LogicalFormula: def isModeledBy(self, world): return False ``` * We subclass this for each syntactic element, overriding `isModeledBy` accordingly * For example, the subclass `Atom`, will do `return self.atom in world.atoms` (and store `self.atom` appropriately) * The subclass `And` needs to call `isModeledBy` for all its children, and return `True` iff all of them return `True` --- class: small # Data Structures * Note that I said "all its children" for `And`: It can be beneficial if "and" can connect more than two operators * For the quantifiers `\(\forall\)` and `\(\exists\)` we need to be able to substitute variables in formulas, so we need to add another method to our base class: ``` def substitute(self, variable, value): return self ``` * This method should replace the given variable with the given value in *all* children, or parameters (in the case of atoms), and return a **copy** of itself with the substitution performed * `Forall` can then use this in its `isModeledBy` method ``` def isModeledBy(self, world): values = world.getValues(self.variable) for value in values: if not isModeledBy(self.child.substitute(self.variable, value): return False return True ``` --- class: medium # Data Structures * In task 1, you will implement these data structures * Start with the code on the previous slides as guidelines * There are ways to make this less tedious: `And` and `Or` are almost identical, so they could share a lot of code, or just be modeled as one class * You will need to implement some high level function: - `make_expression`, which gets a syntax tree and produces a python object representing the formula - `make_world`, which gets a set of atoms and returns a python object representing the world - `models`, which gets a world and a formula (as returned by `make_expression` and `make_world`) and determines if the formula holds - `substitute`, which gets a formula, a variable and a value, and has to produce a new formula with the substitution performed - `apply`, which we will talk about now --- # Actions? * We often want to represent a world that is changing, rather than just static facts * Simple solution: Let's use constants representing (discrete) times, and increase the arity of each predicate by one to account for time * For example, `\(\mathit{human}(\mathit{socrates})\)` becomes `\(\mathit{human}(\mathit{socrates}, 0)\)`, or `\(\forall t \in T: \mathit{human}(\mathit{socrates}, t)\)` * An *action* is something that changes some truth values over time, often represented as an implication, like `\(\mathit{alive}(\mathit{socrates}, 400 \text{BCE}) \rightarrow \neg \mathit{alive}(\mathit{socrates}, 399 \text{BCE})\)` * This can be generalized with quantifiers and special predicates that indicate when actions occur, if needed --- # The Yale Shooting Problem * Consider Fred, a turkey, and a gun * At time 0, Fred is alive and the gun is unloaded * We load the gun, so that at time 1 the gun is loaded * Then we wait * At time 2 we shoot, such that at time 3 Fred is dead --- # The Yale Shooting Problem $$ \mathit{alive}(\mathit{Fred}, 0)\\\\ \neg \mathit{loaded}(\mathit{Gun}, 0)\\\\ \neg \mathit{loaded}(\mathit{Gun}, 0) \rightarrow \mathit{loaded}(\mathit{Gun}, 1)\\\\ \mathit{loaded}(\mathit{Gun}, 2) \rightarrow \neg \mathit{alive}(\mathit{Fred}, 3) $$ -- What about `\(\mathit{alive}(\mathit{Fred}, 1)\)`? What about `\(\mathit{loaded}(\mathit{Gun}, 2)\)`? Idea: Let's say "the least" number of things change each time step! -- The turkey could still die at time step 1 and stay dead ... --- # The Frame Problem - The Yale Shooting Problem is an illustration of the Frame Problem: Everything that is not changed by an action (the "frame") should stay the same - But how would we even write this in logical formulas? - There are several solutions! - One approach: Frame axioms. For each action state what the action leaves unchanged. This may require a lot of extra formulas. - Another approach: Distinguish states and actions, and represent changes as a transition system --- # Transition System Approach - We start with an initial state `\(s_0 = \{\mathit{alive}(\mathit{Fred}), \neg \mathit{loaded}(\mathit{Gun}) \}\)` (or, using the closed-world assumption simply `\(s_0 = \{\mathit{alive}(\mathit{Fred})\}\)`), which we can use for logical queries such as `\(s_0 \models \mathit{alive}(\mathit{Fred}) \)` - We have an action `load(Gun)` which turns a state into another state: - If the Gun is not loaded, it becomes loaded - If the Gun is already loaded, nothing happens - `\(s_1 = \{\mathit{alive}(\mathit{Fred}), \mathit{loaded}(\mathit{Gun}) \}\)` - Now we can query `\(s_1 \models \mathit{alive}(\mathit{Fred})\)` --- # Transition System Approach - This forms the basis for the planning problem, which we will discuss for the rest of the semester - We can express many interesting problems this way, such as how to distribute packages using trucks and airplanes, determine a robot's actions to perform a task, play games, etc. - However, it also has drawbacks: If our states only represent individual time steps, we can't (easily) query things like "how long was Fred alive" - As another part of task 1 you will implement a way to apply actions to worlds/states --- # What is an action? * We consider our actions to consist of two parts: a precondition and an effect * The precondition tells us when we can use an action (e.g. we can only shoot if we even have the gun) * The effect tells us what happens (if the gun is loaded, we kill the turkey, otherwise nothing happens) * We can determine if a precondition holds in a world with our `models` function * We also need to be able to apply an effect, which is where `apply` comes in --- # What is an effect * For simplicity, we will assume our effects are also represented as a logical formula, which tells us what is true after the action * However, we will only support a subset of formulas as possible effects * For example, what would a formula like `\(a \vee b\)` mean as an effect? -- * We'll call the subset of formulas we allow the *effect formulas* * An effect formula can be a conjunction of: - Literals (atoms and negated atoms) - Forall-quantifiers where the inner formula is also an effect formula - `when` expressions --- # Effect Application * Since an effect is just a formula, we could add a method to our base class: ``` def apply(self, world): return world ``` * Depending on the formula, we can then override this method and apply the changes of the subformulas * This may be tricky to get right (particularly negated literals), I'll show you another way later * For `And` you can do something like: ``` def apply(self, world): result = world for c in self.children: result = c.apply(result) return result ``` --- # When-Expressions * Some actions have different effects, depending on what is already true in the world, like firing the gun which as a different effect when the gun is loaded * We could make two actions: `fire-gun-if-loaded` and `fire-gun-if-not-loaded`, but this becomes cumbersome to write * Instead we allow conditional effects that are only applied when a condition holds: $$ \operatorname{when}\:(\phi)\:(\psi) $$ * Note that the condition can be *any* logical formula, but the conditional effect has to be an effect formula --- # When-Expressions Example Say we have the worlds $$ s_0 = \\{\mathit{alive}(\mathit{Fred})\\}\\\\ s_1 = \\{ \mathit{alive}(\mathit{Fred}), \mathit{loaded}(\mathit{Gun}) \\} $$ And the effect of the shoot action: $$ e = \operatorname{when}\:(\mathit{loaded}(\mathit{Gun}))\:(\neg \mathit{alive}(\mathit{Fred}) \wedge \neg \mathit{loaded}(\mathit{Gun}) $$ What happens when we apply e to `\(s_0\)`?
What happens when we apply it to `\(s_1\)`? --- # When-Expressions, Implementation * We can represent a when-expression as a tuple in the Abstract Syntax Tree `("when", x, y)`, where x is the condition and y is the conditional effect * Just like with the logical connectives, we introduce a subclass of `LogicalFormula` that represents a when-expression * When we apply the when-expression to a world, we apply the y-part iff the x-part holds, e.g. ``` class When(LogicalFormula): def apply(self, world): if self.condition.isModeledBy(world): return self.effect.apply(world) return world ``` --- class: medium # Implementing Action Application * There are several ways to implement action application * One is with the `apply` method in all `LogicalFormula` subclasses * Another is to determine the additions and deletions a formula causes and use set operations on the set of atoms ``` class LogicalFormula def getChanges(self, world): return (self.getAdditions(world),self.getDeletions(world)) ``` * The latter is probably (depending on the exact implementation, and the rest of the code) slightly faster, because it makes fewer copies of the atom set, and you could precompute a lot (minus conditional expressions) * My solution uses add/delete lists --- # Homework * [Homework 1](/PF-3335/assets/pdf/homework1.pdf) has been posted on the class website * There are 5 problems involving logical formulas, interpretations and effect application * There is also a bonus problem involving a (short) proof --- # References - [Logic and AI]( - [The Frame Problem]( - Sign up for Piazza: