class: center, middle # Artificial Intelligence: Planning ### The Planning Problem --- class: center, middle # The Planning Problem --- # The Planning Problem A planning problem consists of three parts: * A definition of the current state of the world * A definition of a desired state of the world * A definition of the actions the agent can take All of these definitions are done in "some" formal language. -- Logic is a good choice for a formal language! --- # An Example Planning Problem: Blocks World * We have three blocks, A, B, and C * Blocks A and B are on the table, block C is on top of block B * Blocks can be stacked * At the moment, all blocks are on the table next to each other * We want the blocks to be stacked, with C on top of B, and B on top of A --- # An Example Planning Problem: Blocks World
--- # Formalizing the Problem Current state: $$ \text{on}(A, \mathit{table}) \wedge\\\\ \text{on}(B, \mathit{table}) \wedge \\\\ \text{on}(C, B)\\\\ $$ Goal: $$ \text{on}(A, \mathit{table}) \wedge \\\\ \text{on}(B, A) \wedge\\\\ \text{on}(C, B)\\\\ $$ --- # Actions? What can the agent do? * Let's say our agent is a simple robot * It has a gripper * It can pick up a block, and also put it down (on the table, or on top of another block) --- # Formalizing Actions? * First, we need to represent that the robot is holding some block X somehow: `\(\text{holds}(X)\)` * Picking up a block then has a **precondition** and an **effect** * The precondition defines *if* an action can even be taken * The effect defines what the action *changes* in the world --- # Picking Up a Block X Precondition: $$ \forall Y \in \mathit{blocks}: \neg \text{holds}(Y) \wedge \\\\ \forall Y \in \mathit{blocks}: \neg \text{on}(Y, X) $$ Effect: $$ \forall Y \in \mathit{blocks}: \neg \text{on}(X, Y) \wedge \\\\ \neg \text{on}(X, \mathit{table}) \wedge \\\\ \text{holds}(X) $$ --- # Putting a Block X on Top of a Block Y Precondition: $$ \text{holds}(X) \wedge \\\\ \forall Z \in \mathit{blocks}: \neg \text{on}(Z, Y) $$ Effect: $$ \text{on}(X, Y) \wedge \\\\ \neg \text{holds}(X) $$ --- class: small # The Planning Problem Given: * An initial state `\(s_0\)` * Action definitions `\(a = (p,e)\)` consisting of a precondition and an effect * A goal formula `\(g\)` Find a sequence of actions `\(a_0, a_1, \ldots, a_n\)`, such that: * `\(s_i \models p_i\)` * `\(s_{i+1} =\:\text{apply}\:\:e_i\:\:\text{to}\:\:s_i\)` * `\(s_{n+1} \models g\)` Each action can be applied in the state preceding it, and generates a new state using its effect. In the final state the goal condition holds. --- # Planners - A *planner* is an algorithm that solves the planning problem - Two important properties for a planner are: + **Soundness**: Any plan the planner produces is valid, i.e. satisfies the three conditions + **Completeness**: For any planning problem that has a solution, the planner will (eventually) produce one - We will actually see cases in which we don't require these properties --- class: medium # Complexity? * Logic is nice, but this seems like a pretty complex problem to solve? * Whenever we want to execute an action we have to check against all blocks to see if the agent is already holding something, or if there's already something on the target block * We can use an encoding trick to simplify the problem: Have predicates for negative conditions, too * For example: There is a predicate `holds` and a predicate `free` for the gripper, and a predicate `on` and a predicate `clear` for the blocks --- # Picking Up a Block X Precondition: $$ \text{free}() \wedge \\\\ \text{clear}(X) $$ Effect: $$ \neg \text{clear}(X) \wedge \\\\ \neg \text{free}() \wedge \text{holds}(X) $$ --- # Putting a Block X on Top of a Block Y Precondition: $$ \text{holds}(X) \wedge \\\\ \text{clear}(Y) $$ Effect: $$ \text{on}(X, Y) \wedge \\\\ \neg \text{clear}(Y) \wedge \\\\ \neg \text{holds}(X) \\\\ \text{clear}(X) \wedge \text{free}() $$ --- # STRIPS .left-column[
] .right-column[ * Shakey the Robot could solve problems given by a goal state * Various sensors let it build a model of the current world state * The Stanford Research Institute Problem Solver was the planner responsible for finding a solution ] --- class: small # STRIPS planning * A state (and the goal!) is defined as a set of atomic propositions of what is true in the world * The goal is reached when it is a **subset** of a state * Each action consists of four sets of atomic propositions: * Two sets of preconditions: positive and negative * An add list: What the action makes true * A delete list: What the action makes false * To check if an action can be executed in a state, the planner checks if all positive preconditions are in the state and all negative ones are not * To execute the action, a new state is produced as the union of the old state with the add list, and then the delete list is removed --- # Picking Up a Block X in STRIPS Positive Preconditions: $$ \\{\text{free}(), \text{clear}(X)\\} $$ Negative Preconditions: None Add List: $$ \\{\text{holds}(X)\\} $$ Delete List: $$ \\{\text{free}(), \text{clear}(X)\\} $$ --- class: medium # Actions vs. Action Schemata * Technically "Picking up a block X" (`pickup(X)`) is not an action, because there is no "Block X" in our domain * We used "X" as a free variable to refer to "any block" * An actual (classical) STRIPS planning problem needs ground actions, without any free variables * `pickup(X)` is an action schema, called **operator**, that will need to be turned into ground actions (without free variables) `pickup(A)`, `pickup(B)`, and `pickup(C)` --- # The Actual Planning Process * Forward-Chaining: The planner starts with the start state, and applies actions to get a new state until it reaches a state that satisfies the goal. It may do so by dividing the goal into subgoals that have to be reached. * Backward-Chaining: The planner examines the goal and determines which actions have an effect that contributes to that goal and which preconditions these actions have, until it reaches the start state --- # The Sussman Anomaly Let's look at a slightly different problem:
--- class: small # The Sussman Anomaly There are two goals: `on(A,B)` and `on(B,C)`. If the planner divides the goal into subgoals: - If it tries to reach a state with A on top of B first, it will put C aside, then put A on B, and then can not fulfill the other goal without undoing the first (by removing A). - If it tries to reach a state with B on top of C first, it will just put B on top of the pile, and then can't satisfy the other goal. A "proper" solution has to interleave solving these two goals: First remove C, then put B on C, then put A on B. This requirement for interleaving is called "the Sussman Anomaly", discovered in the 1970s. Modern Planners do not run into this problem anymore. --- class: center, middle # Planning is PSPACE-complete --- # Planning Complexity * You probably know the problem of P vs. NP? * PSPACE is (probably) even worse than NP $$ P \subseteq \mathit{NP} \subseteq \mathit{PSPACE} \subseteq \mathit{EXP} $$ (Any of these subsets may or may not be proper, but at least one of them is) --- # Why is Planning Hard? * We just said that planning is pathfinding on a graph consisting of the states * Pathfinding is solvable in polynomial time * Planning is not? Why? -- * For a pathfinding problem, the input is the graph. For a planning problem the input is the initial state, the goal condition and the actions. The graph is **implicit** (and potentially exponentially large) --- class: mmedium # Complexity Theory * A problem is called *in* a complexity class C, if there is an algorithm/Turing Machine that can solve it within the constraints of C * A problem is called *hard* for a complexity class C ("C-hard"), if given an algorithm for that problem *any* problem in C could be solved with less than polynomial overhead * A problem is called *complete* for a complexity class C, if it is both *in* C and C-*hard* Planning (more precisely: PLANSAT) is PSPACE-complete: It is in PSPACE because the maximum length of a plan is exponential, we can represent exponentially many different states in polynomial space, and we don't need to store intermediate states. --- class: small # So how hard is planning? * Imagine you have a (any!) Turing machine that needs at most polynomial space for some computation (i.e. it is in PSPACE) * If we could solve the *same* computation with a planner, **and** the conversion only takes polynomial time, we know that planning is PSPACE-hard * So how could we encode a Turing machine in a planner? * How is a Turing machine defined? --- # Turing Machine A Turing Machine consists of three parts: - A tape (in our case **polynomial** in size) filled with symbols from a finite alphabet `\(\Sigma\)`, e.g. `\(x\)` - A read/write head position `\(i\)` - A state `\(q \in Q\)` The computation a Turing Machine computes is defined by a state transition function: `\(Q \times \Sigma \mapsto Q \times \Sigma \times \{L,R\}\)` The Turing Machine applies this state transition function until it reaches a *terminal state* --- class: medium # Turing Machine Say: * We have a predicate `\(\mathit{in}(i,x)\)` to define which symbol is in a tape cell * We have a predicate `\(\mathit{at}(i,q)\)` to define the read/write head is at position `\(i\)` and we are in state `\(q\)` * We have a predicate `\(\mathit{accept}\)` to define that we are in a terminal state Let's additionally define a predicate `\(\mathit{do}(i,q,x)\)` to mean "we are processing the transition from state `\(q\)`, with current symbol `\(x\)`, and the read/write head is at position `\(i\)`" --- class: small # Turing Machine Take a transition from the Turing Machine, e.g. `\((q_0,x) \mapsto (q_1,y,L)\)`. We can then define planning operators: Delete old state * Positive Preconditions: `\(\{\mathit{in}(i,x), \mathit{at}(i,q)\}\)` * Add List: `\(\{\mathit{do}(i,q,x)\}\)`, Delete List: `\(\{\mathit{at}(i,q)\}\)` Write new symbol * Positive Preconditions: `\(\{\mathit{in}(i,x), \mathit{do}(i,q,x)\}\)` * Add List: `\(\{\mathit{in}(i,y)\}\)`, Delete List: `\(\{\mathit{in}(i,x)\}\)` Move and change state * Positive Preconditions: `\(\{\mathit{do}(i,q,x), \mathit{in}(i,y)\}\)` * Add List: `\(\{\mathit{at}(i-1,q_1)\}\)`, Delete List: `\(\{\mathit{do}(i,q,x)\}\)` --- class: small # Turing Machine Are we polynomial in size? * We need at most polynomially many `\(\mathit{in}\)` atoms * For every state transition we generate actions equal to the number of possible symbols times the number of states (part of the definition) times the number of `\(\mathit{in}\)` atoms (squared) * Overall, we will generate polynomially many actions (and we need a few extras that set `\(\mathit{accept}\)` to true) If planning was not PSPACE-hard, we could therefore solve any problem in PSPACE more efficiently. Since we can not, that means that planning must be PSPACE-hard. --- # It gets worse ... Recall our operators: Delete old state * Positive Preconditions: `\(\{\mathit{in}(i,x), \mathit{at}(i,q)\}\)` * Add List: `\(\{\mathit{do}(i,q,x)\}\)`, Delete List: `\(\{\mathit{at}(i,q)\}\)` Write new symbol * Positive Preconditions: `\(\{\mathit{in}(i,x), \mathit{do}(i,q,x)\}\)` * Add List: `\(\{\mathit{in}(i,y)\}\)`, Delete List: `\(\{\mathit{in}(i,x)\}\)` Move and change state * Positive Preconditions: `\(\{\mathit{do}(i,q,x), \mathit{in}(i,y)\}\)` * Add List: `\(\{\mathit{at}(i-1,q_1)\}\)`, Delete List: `\(\{\mathit{do}(i,q,x)\}\)` --- # It gets worse ... * None of our operators used negative preconditions * And they only used **two** positive preconditions * And **two** effects * This means that planning is PSPACE-hard even if we limit the operators to two positive preconditions and two effects * Oh, and remember: This result is just for determining if there even *exists* any plan --- # Complexity Zoo
--- class: medium # The Good News * [All PSPACE-complete planning problems are equal, but some are more equal than others]( * Many interesting planning problems, i.e. the ones that show up in practice, are tractable, even if their generalizations are theoretically hard to solve. * Another way to think about it: Since the solutions we usually *want* are not going to be exponential in length, we shouldn't have to generate a graph of exponential size. * Also nice: Adding more convenience features doesn't actually make planning harder --- class: mmedium # Summary * A planning problem consists of a start state, actions, and a goal condition * In STRIPS planning the start state consists of a set of atoms, each action has positive and negative preconditions (sets of atoms), and effects (an add list and a delete list of atoms), and the goal is also a set of atoms * Actions are usually defined as operators, which contain free variables, and have to be ground for the actual planning process * Next week we will look at a standard file format for planning problems, and some extensions that go beyond STRIPS --- # Homework * [Homework 3](/PF-3335/assets/pdf/homework3.pdf) has been posted on the class website * There are 5 problems involving different aspects of STRIPS * There is also a bonus problem involving a proof * The bonus problem may be a bit harder than the last two. Good luck :) --- # Resources * [Shakey the Robot]( * [STRIPS: A New Approach to the Application of Theorem Proving to Problem Solving]( * [The Computational Complexity of Propositional Strips Planning]( * [All PSPACE-complete planning problems are equal, but some are more equal than others]( * [Introduction to STRIPS Planning and Applications in Video-games](