class: center, middle # Artificial Intelligence: Planning ### Planning As Pathfinding --- # Review: The Planning Problem A planning problem consists of three parts: * A definition of the current state of the world * A definition of a desired state of the world * A definition of the actions the agent can take --- class: medium # Review: PDDL Domains and Problems We can define a planning problem in PDDL domain and problem files: * The domain file defines which actions (operators) exist, and (optionally) the types of all objects * The problem file defines the initial state of the world (and any additional objects that may be required), and the goal condition * A planner then reads these two files and outputs a plan Today we'll talk about that last part --- # Pathfinding Recall the pathfinding problem from the second lecture * We are given a graph, consisting of nodes and edges * In our implicit graph representation, we could ask one node to generate its neighbors * We would start at the start node, and generate neighbors "intelligently" until we reached **a** goal node --- # Planning As Pathfinding To use a pathfinding algorithm for planning, we need to formulate the planning problem as a graph. Let's start with the "obvious" choice: * Each state is a logical state * Each edge corresponds to an action * In any state, we can take any action whose preconditions are satisfied to generate a new state --- # The State-Space - When we start at the node corresponding to the start state and start expanding actions, we generate the so-called *State-Space* - We can then use a standard A* algorithm to do pathfinding - In fact, many planners do exactly that, with different heuristics --- # State Space Example
--- # Planning Problem in State Space
--- # For the Project * Parse PDDL files like discussed last week * Extract all types, objects, operators, the initial state and the goal condition * Ground actions * Plan --- # Grounding Actions ``` (:action up :parameters (?f1 - floor ?f2 - floor) :precondition (and (lift-at ?f1) (above ?f1 ?f2)) :effect (and (lift-at ?f2) (not (lift-at ?f1)))) ``` For each parameter, replace with all possible values. Save all ground actions in a list. You may end up with many ground actions. --- # State Representation You can create the world for the initial state by passing all atoms and the type dictionary to `make_world`. However, for pathfinding you will need a `Node` subclass, e.g. `PlanningState`. Each `PlanningState` contains a reference to a logical world, as well as to the list of all actions Note: You don't **have to** use `make_world`, and could instead store the state information directly in `PlanningState` --- # `get_neighbors` - checks which actions can be applied in the logical world, i.e. which actions' preconditions are satisfied using `models` - Generates a new logical world for each of these actions by applying its effects using `apply` - Returns `Edge` objects containing new `PlanningState` objects for each generated logical world, with a cost of `1`, and a string representing the action that was taken --- # Pathfinding * We can now use `astar` as our planning algorithm! * Pass it a `PlanningState` corresponding to the initial state (which can generate more states by applying actions) * For the goal condition, write a `isgoal` function that uses `models` on the state and the goal condition * Call `pathfinding.astar(start, h, isgoal)` --- class: center, middle # Planning Heuristics --- # A short timeline * 1995: Graphplan (next lecture) * 1997/1998: HSP (Heuristic Search Planner) * 2000/2001: FastForward * 2005/2006: FastDownward --- class: medium # Heuristics - We heard that heuristics can speed up A* - We used heuristics to tell the algorithm which nodes on the search frontier were "closer" to the goal - For search in Romania or on UCR campus we used the straight line distance as a "guess" of how close a node could be to the goal - We tried to have our heuristic underestimate the cost and be in the same "units" as the actual cost (e.g. km) --- # Planning Heuristics - In planning, our nodes are (logical) states, and our edges are actions - When we expand a state by applying all actions, we compute a heuristic value for each of the successor states - This heuristic value should estimate how long a plan from that state to a goal state is (at most) - In other words, we want to estimate how "difficult" it is to satisfy the goal from each state in our search frontier --- # Heuristics - So how do we define a heuristic for such an abstract process? - Here is an idea: Solve a simplified/approximate (*relaxed*) version of the problem, and use the cost of the solution as the heuristic - How can we simplify the problem? --- # Heuristic Search Planning (HSP) - Idea: Ignore delete lists - Why is this simpler? Because the state always grows - With a larger state, more actions can be applied, and eventually we will have added all atoms that can possibly be added Note: This does not work without modification for non-STRIPS domains that have negative preconditions. --- class: small # HSP - Oops: This is still NP-hard (action ordering)... - Instead, use an estimation: * Assign a heuristic value i=0 to *each atom* in the current state * Increase i by 1 * Apply all possible relaxed actions (without delete lists), and set the heuristic value of each produced atom to i * Repeat the last two steps until no values change anymore - The heuristic value is then the sum of the heuristic values of all atoms in the goal - This is no longer admissible, since all goal atoms are treated as independent --- # HSP Heuristic Example: Pickup Positive Preconditions: $$ \\{\text{free}(), \text{clear}(X)\\} $$ Negative Preconditions: None Add List: $$ \\{\text{holds}(X)\\} $$ Delete List: $$ \\{\text{free}(), \text{clear}(X)\\} $$ --- # HSP Heuristic Example Relaxed blocksworld Pickup: .mediumc[ $$ \\{\text{free}(), \text{clear}(X)\\} \Rightarrow \\{\text{holds}(X)\\} $$ ] Put down: .mediumc[ $$ \\{\text{holds}(X), \text{clear}(Y)\\} \\\\ \Rightarrow \\\\ \\{ \text{on}(X, Y), \text{clear}(X), \text{free}() \\} $$ ] Current State: .mediumc[ $$ \\{ \text{on}(A, B), \text{on}(B,\mathit{Table}), \text{on}(C,\mathit{Table}),\\\\ \text{clear}(A), \text{clear}(C), \text{free}() \\} $$ ] --- # HSP - HSP was the first widely successful planner to use heuristic search on STRIPS problems - It won the 1998 planning competition - There are updated versions which work with similar strategies - FastForward was inspired by HSP --- # FastForward * We said earlier that solving the relaxed problem is NP-Hard * But that depends on *which* relaxed problem we mean * Specificially, finding the *optimal* plan is NP-hard, but determining *a* plan is in P * Of course, this may overestimate --- class: medium # FastForward Heuristic * Start with a "layer" consisting of the set of all atoms in the current state * Apply *all* applicable relaxed actions, and add all their effects to the set of atoms generating the next layer * Continue until all atoms in the goal can be found in a layer * Then *backtrack* through the layers to build a relaxed plan * The length of this plan is the value of the heuristic --- class: medium # FastForward: Hillclimbing * FastForward also uses a modified search procedure * Since the heuristic may overestimate, it can be beneficial to ignore it for parts of the search * For any state, if all neighbors have a higher estimated cost, FastForward will expand *all* of those states' neighbors, until it finds a state with a lower heuristic value * In other words, as long as the heuristic values don't decrease, FastForward uses breadth-first search --- # FastDownward * FastDownward is a "planning system", that implements several different search procedures and heuristics * Additionally, FastDownward compiles the planning problem to a different representation * *Multi-Valued Planning Task*: Instead of binary predicates we have value assignments --- class: medium # Multi-Valued Planning Task * Predicates are often not a very natural way to represent real-world tasks * For example, it would be nice if we could easily say *which* block the gripper is holding in blocksworld, or *which* block is above another * Multi-Valued Planning Tasks (MPT) allow you to do just that * An MPT contains variables, each of which can be assigned one value from a finite domain * For example: "holds" may be a state variable with the domain ranging over all available blocks --- class: small # Multi-Valued Planning Task Why? - MPTs are *still* PSPACE-hard (propositional planning is just a special case where all state variables have values "true" or "false") - However, MPTs allow the natural expression of mutually exclusive states, which may cut down the search space - For example, we know that `on(A,B)` and `on(A,C)` can never be true at the same time - A propositional planner first has to figure that out - An MPT planner knows that `on_A` can only have the value `B` **or** `C`, but never both --- class: small # Search-Heuristic * Using the state variables, we can analyze how they can change * For example, `on_A = B` may only change into `on_A = undefined` * We can also determine under which conditions such changes may occur (i.e. which actions cause them, and what preconditions they have) * This gives us some guidance in what to do * Of course, this analysis *could* have been done on the original problem, the MPT approach just reduces the space of possibilities --- # FastDownward * As mentioned, FastDownward actually implements several different approaches * The translation from a propositional planning problem (in PDDL) to an MPT is actually a separate component * The algorithms we are discussing for propositional planning usually still work on MPTs with some slight modifications --- class: middle, center # Types of Heuristics --- # Different Types of Heuristics * Relaxation * Abstraction * Critical Paths * Landmarks * Network Flow --- # Relaxation * So far all heuristics we have talked about have been relaxation heuristics * They *relax* the planning problem in some way * Removing negative effects is the most common way to do this * You could also remove other parts of actions, or the goal, or split up actions --- class: medium # Abstraction "Estimate cost by projecting the state space to a smaller space (applying a graph homomorphism)" (Helmert and Röger) * Make the planning problem simpler, by removing options * For example, remove one of the blocks from actions and goals * For some domains you may also have a more abstract representation (e.g. for a strategy game: Have a library of high level strategic actions which can help solve the planning problem on low-level actions) --- # Critical Paths * We can part of the goal, and construct a "critical path" backwards * For example, to get `B` on the table, we have to `put-on-table(B)`, for that we first have to `pickup(B)`, etc. * The number of actions on this critical path can serve as a heuristic * We may want to try different parts of the goal to get a better estimate --- # Landmarks * In many cases, we can find actions that *have* to happen (Landmarks) * For example: If we want `B` to be on the table, we *have* to have an action `put-on-table(B)` * Our heuristic value can be constructed from counting all of these landmark actions * The more accurate our count is, the more accurate is our heuristic --- # Network Flow * We can look at actions as producing and consuming facts * The number of productions and consumptions has to be the same * That means, for every time we pick up a block, we have to put one down as well * We may be able to use this fact to determine how many "switches" have to be made at least --- # For the Project * Task 4 is the most "creative" part of the project * You are supposed to come up with your own heuristic * Think about the different types, and how you would implement them * The FastForward Heuristic may be a good starting point --- class: middle, center # Other Optimizations --- # Other Optimizations - Combining Multiple Heuristics - State-Space Pruning - Invariant Synthesis - Action preferences - Other search strategies --- # Combining Multiple Heuristics * No single heuristic is good for all planning problems * Just calculate multiple different ones, and combine the results * Pick the highest, lowest, average, sum, etc. * Of course, this is just another heuristic and will not be "perfect" either * But it may overcome limitations of others --- class: medium # State-Space Pruning * Many problems contain states that are "almost" the same * For example, if we want to transport packages around (logistics domain), and have multiple identical trucks, we can remove states that only differ by which truck is where * It may also be that the order of two actions does not matter, so we don't have to consider both orderings * Some of these calculations are relatively simple, others may require external knowledge --- class: medium # Invariant Synthesis * In most planning problems the operators maintain certain invariants, i.e. facts that hold in all reachable states * For example, in blocksworld there can only ever be one block that is held by the gripper * This forms the basis of the translation to an MPT, but can also be used when solving the relaxed problem to strengthen the heuristic * Another form of invariants are predicates that can never change, which we can use to exclude certain actions (like putting a block on itself) --- # Action Preference * When we calculate a heuristic by solving a relaxed problem, we actually get a "plan" * This plan can be used to give us a clue what a "good" next action might be * Rather than considering all actions the same, we prefer these actions * Can be used to augment the heuristic, or simply try this action first and if things don't work out fall back to "full" search --- # Other Search Strategies Remember: Everything in AI is either representation or search - Searching through state space is just one possible approach to planning - Other planners may search through a different kind of space (different representation) - Yet others may use a very different search procedure when expanding the states - We will look at two such approaches in the next two weeks --- # Homework * [Homework 5](/PF-3335/assets/pdf/homework5.pdf) has been posted on the class website * There are 5 problems using the planning domains from the repository of * You will be calculating heuristic values and solving relaxed problems * When you do this, take note of how the different heuristics perform their estimations --- # Resources * [Planning as Heuristic Search]( * [HSP: Heuristic Search Planner]( * [FastForward]( * [FastDownward]( * [A Beginner's Introduction to Heuristic Search Planning](