class: center, middle # Artificial Intelligence: Planning ### Graphplan --- class: center, middle # Project: Task 1 --- # Task 1 * I sent out the scores yesterday * While many of you did really well, there were some reoccuring problems * Let me talk about them a bit --- # Class Hierarchy The idea was to have **one class for each logical operator** ``` class And(Expression): def __init__(self, args): self.args = tuple(args) def isModeledBy(self, world): return all(map(lambda a: a.isModeledBy(world), self.args)) def substitute(self, var, value): return And(map(lambda x: x.substitute(var,value), self.args)) def get_change(self, world): delset = set() addset = set() for arg in self.args: d,a = arg.get_change(world) delset = delset.union(d) addset = addset.union(a) return (delset,addset) ``` --- # Atoms ``` class Atom(Expression): def __init__(self, name, args): = name self.args = tuple(args) def isModeledBy(self, world): return self in world.atoms def __eq__(self, other): return == and self.args == other.args def substitute(self, var, value): return Atom(, map(lambda x: value if x == var else x, self.args)) def get_change(self, world): return (set(self), set()) ``` --- # Make an Expression ``` def make_expression(ast): op = ast[0] if op == "and": return And(map(make_expression, ast[1:])) elif op == "or": return Or(map(make_expression, ast[1:])) elif op == "imply": return Imply(make_expression(ast[1]), make_expression(ast[2])) ... else: return Atom(ast[0], ast[1:]) ``` --- # Pitfalls * Effect expressions are conjunctions of positive and negative literals, when expressions and **forall** expressions * A `forall` in `apply` needs to replace its child with all possible substitutions of the variable * Substitute has to work for any arbitrary string variable and all formulas * Please put your code in the **root folder** of the zip file! --- class: center, middle # Graphplan --- # Review: The Planning Problem A planning problem consists of three parts: * A definition of the current state of the world * A definition of a desired state of the world * A definition of the actions the agent can take --- # Review: State-Space Planning We defined a graph called the "state space": * Each state is a logical state * Each edge corresponds to an action * In any state, we can take any action whose preconditions are satisfied to generate a new state Using this definition, we can use A* on the state space graph to find a plan. --- class: medium # Review: FastForward Heuristic * Start with a "layer" consisting of the set of all atoms in the current state * Apply *all* applicable relaxed actions, and add all their effects to the set of atoms generating the next layer * Continue until all atoms in the goal can be found in a layer * Then *backtrack* through the layers to build a relaxed plan * The length of this plan is the value of the heuristic --- # FastForward Heuristic * How did you do on the homework problem? * My description of FastForward was based on intuition rather than the full formal specification * Since heuristic values are generally not accurate, it's fine if you came up with "some" value * The heuristic is actually based on Graphplan, which we are going to look at in detail today --- class: middle, center # Planning Graphs --- # Planning Graphs: Motivation * In many planning problems, the order of certain actions does not matter * If two actions don't affect one another, they could even be executed in parallel * Rather than looking at the planning problem as a sequence of actions, we will look at it as a sequence of time steps * We will build a graphical representation of time from left to right --- class: medium # Planning Graphs * A planning graph consists of layers * Layers alternate between literals and actions * The first layer consists of all literals that form the initial state * Note: **literals** (positive **and** negative), not atoms * The second layer consists of all actions that can be applied using literals in the first layer * The third layer consists of all effects of these actions, etc. --- # No-Ops * If we do exactly what I wrote on the previous slide, we will "lose" literals * In state-space planning we assumed if an action didn't change something, that it would stay the same * Let's add this assumption to our plan graph! * Add one "action" for each literal that has that literal as its precondition and effect ("maintainance action") --- # Planning Graph
--- # Planning Graph * We construct this graph level by level * In order to do actual planning with it, we need to do some more processing, though * What does a planning graph "mean"? --- class: middle, center # Mutexes --- # Mutexes * A planning graph of depth `k` consists of k timesteps * Within each time step, there are many actions * But just because two actions are within the same timestep does not necessarily mean that they can be executed in parallel * We need to determine which actions are **mutually exclusive** ("mutex") --- # Inconsistent Effects One action's effect is the negation of the effect of another action
--- # Interference One action's effect is the negation of the precondition of another action
--- # Competing Needs One action's precondition is the negation of the precondition of another action
--- # Inconsistent Support Any way to achieve two literals is mutually exclusive
Also: If a literal is the negation of another, they are mutually exclusive. --- # Planning * So, now we can generate a graph of depth k, and determine which actions and literals are mutex * We want to use this graph for planning? * How do we choose k? * And how do we get a plan out of this mess? --- class: middle, center # Graphplan --- # Graphplan * Graphplan constructs a planning graph one level at a time * After generating a level, we check if the goal is present in the layer **and** not mutex * Then we try to "extract" a solution * If we can't extract a solution, we generate another layer * If we run out of new layers to generate, the problem can't be solved --- # Solution Extraction * Once we have a layer in which all goal literals are present (and not mutex), we can try to extract a solution * Pick a set of actions from the preceeding layer that achieves the goal * Use the preconditions of these actions as the new goal and search backwards * If any goal ever becomes mutex, backtrack and choose a new set of actions (if there is one) --- # Properties * Graphplan is sound and complete * If there is no solution, Graphplan will terminate with "no solution" * The planning graph is potentially huge, but in typical problems actions can often be executed "in parallel", requiring fewer layers * Backtracking may require extra time --- # Planning Graph Properties * Because we maintain all literals, the number of literals in each new layer never decreases * Likewise, the number of actions from one layer to the next never decreases * Because of maintainance actions, the number of mutexes will decrease over time * At some point, the planning graph will "level off", i.e. not change anymore --- # Another Observation: Relaxed Graphplan * When we don't have any negative preconditions and effects, we can ignore negative literals * That means we won't have any mutexes * The planning graph will grow over time * That's exactly what the FastForward heuristic did --- class: middle, center # Example --- # Example: Dinner Date
--- # Example: Planning Graph of depth 1
--- # Example: Mutexes
--- # Example: Planning Graph of depth 2
--- # Example: Solution
--- # Homework * [Homework 6](/PF-3335/assets/pdf/homework6.pdf) has been posted on the class website * There are 4 problems where you will draw planning graphs * It's only 4, because planning graphs are annoying to draw * There is also also a bonus problem (another proof) --- # References * Dana Nau, [Planning-Graph Techniques]( * Nilufer Onder, [Planning Graphs and Graphplan]( * Tomás Lozano-Pérez, Leslie Kaelbling [Graph Plan](