

In the project for the class you will develop a simple planner in python. To do this, you will develop four separate modules, each with its own requirements and deadline:

  1. A representation of logical formulas, due September 20, 2019, worth 15 points
  2. A search algorithm, due September 27, 2019, worth 15 points
  3. A parser for PDDL planning domains and problems, and the planner itself, due November 8, 2019, worth 15 points
  4. A planning heuristic, due November 22, 2019, worth 15 points
  5. A separate submission to our own internal planning competition (optional), also due November 22, 2019

All due dates are given as anywhere-on-earth, i.e. 23:59 UCT-12. See below for the penalty for late submissions. Submissions should be made by email as a zip file containing all source code in the root directory, named, where carne should be replaced with your Carné, and n should be replaced with 1,2,3, or 4, depending on which submission it is (e.g. would be the PDDL parser and planner of the student with the Carné A12345).

Failure to comply with these instructions may result in point deductions.


The project has to be developed in python 3, using the framework found here. The framework requires only a standard python 3 installation, and you are also only allowed to use the python standard libraries. The framework consists of several python files, which specify the API to be used by the project (to enable automated testing), which must not be modified in any case. Each task below mentions the functions that have to be present and follow the API described in their docstrings. Not following the API will result in a point deduction. If you have any specific questions about the API, do not hesitate to ask.

The planner to be developed consists of the four modules listed above, and described in more detail below. The first two modules can be developed independently, but the deadlines for their completion suggest that you work on the logical formula representation first. The third module then consists of parsing a standard PDDL file, and storing it in the logical formula representation developed in the first task. At this point, if the previous tasks have been completed correctly, implementing the planner itself is straightforward, and only requires using the search algorithm using the logical formulas obtained from the PDDL file as nodes and edges for a graph. Finally, since this planner will be relatively slow, you will improve the performance of your planner by implementing a planning heuristic to be used by the search algorithm. All of these tasks will be described in more detail below, but note that this description only serves as a quick reference, and is not a complete substitute for the lectures in which the required algorithms and the PDDL file format will be explained in more detail.

Development and Testing

The main challenge for this project will not be the necessary software engineering effort (my solution has less than 1000 lines, including all comments and test inputs provided in the framework), but developing an understanding for the implementation of logic, search, and the planner itself. The framework provides a few test cases, that mostly serve to demonstrate the expected input, and you are expected to come up with their own additional tests. Writing tests, and particularly coming up with difficult scenarios, greatly aids understanding the problem to be solved. This is particularly true for the logical reasoning system, and the pathfinding problem. For the planner itself, since we are using the PDDL standard, there are many existing problems to be found online. However, since our planner will be not be as full-featured as state-of-the-art planners it may have difficulty parsing and solving all of these problems. Below, some problems that should be solvable by our planner are referred to, but you should also write at least one domain and problem of their own.

Task 1: Logical Formula Representation

The goal of this task is to develop a class structure representing logical formulas and worlds, that support querying whether or not a world models a formula, and applying changes to the world. The input is given as an abstract syntax tree of the logical formulas in question. Later on, in task 3, we will generate these abstract syntax trees by parsing PDDL files, but for now we’ll just assume that they are provided. The file describes the expected API and provides some examples for the expected capabilities. You will have to implement the functions

  • make_expression, which turns an abstract syntax tree into a suitable python object representing an expression
  • make_world, which turns a list of atoms and a dictionary of sets into a suitable python object representing a world
  • models, which determines whether a world models an expression, i.e. if the expression holds in that world
  • substitute, which replaces all occurrences of a variable in an expression with a value, and returns a new expression with this substitution. This may be used for formulas with quantifiers, but is required even if quantifiers are not implemented.
  • apply, which applies an effect, expressed as a logical expression with certain restrictions, to a world, and returns a new world

The return values of make_expression, make_world, substitute and apply will only be used to pass them into these functions. models, on the other hand, has to return a truth value, True if the world models the expression, and False otherwise. The format of the Abstract Syntax Tree passed to the make_* functions is described in more detail in the doc strings of, but a typical input could look like this:

        ("not", ("at", "home", "mickey")), 
              ("at", "park", "mickey"), 
              ("at", "store", "mickey"), 
              ("at", "theater", "mickey"), 
              ("at", "airport", "mickey")), 
                  ("friends", "mickey", "minny"), 
                            ("?l", "-", "Locations"),
                                    ("at", "?l", "mickey"),
                                    ("at", "?l", "minny")))))


("exists", ("?l", "-", "Locations"),
              ("at", "?l", "mickey"),  
              ("at", "?l", "minny") 

A world consists of a set of atoms, which are what is considered to be true, and everything else is considered to be false (Closed World Assumption).

In addition to the basic operators, you also have to implement:

  • when expressions
  • Quantifiers forall and exists
  • Equality

Because these three operations simplify domain writing significantly, many standard PDDL input files use them, and by including them, our planner will be able to support these files. Once you have the other operators, including these three should be fairly straightforward.

Note, if you are wondering why there is this weird extra - in the specification of quantified variables: When we parse the PDDL files later on, which are written in a LISP-inspired syntax, we can get the Abstract Syntax Tree used in this task almost “for free”, but it does include the dash. Rather than complicating the parsing for this edge-case, we will just keep the dash around and ignore it here.

Mandatory functions in, following the API described there:

  • make_expression
  • make_world
  • models
  • substitute
  • apply

Task 2: Search Algorithm

For this task, you will implement a (directed) graph search algorithm, A * in python. The input to this algorithm is a graph, consisting of nodes/vertices and edges. However, in order to be able to use this search algorithm for the planner later, our graphs will not be represented in their entirety in memory, but rather use a lazy representation. What this means is that our graph will be represented by one node, which can generate neighboring nodes as needed. This representation is implemented in, and does not have to be modified. If you want to modify, please do not change Node and Edge and their interfaces. When in doubt what you can change, ask. For this task, you only have to implement one function: astar(start, heuristic, goal). This function takes a graph, represented by the start vertex/node, a heuristic function, and a goal predicate and searches for a path from the start to a node that satisfies the goal predicate. The result of the function should be four values:

  • The path, represented as a sequence of Edge objects
  • The total length of the path
  • The number of nodes visited, i.e. added to the frontier, during search
  • The number of nodes expanded, i.e. removed from the frontier, during search If no path is found, the first two values should be None, but the number of visited and expanded nodes should still be reported.

As mentioned above, the graph is not represented explicitly, instead only a single Node object is passed to the algorithm, which has a method get_neighbors which returns a list of Edge objects representing outgoing edges. Each Edge object stores its target, the cost to use the edge, and its name (used for printing the path). The target is another Node object, which can then in turn be asked for its own neighbors, and so on. Note that to simplify development, nodes do not need to be cached between calls, and are instead identified by a unique id, which can be obtained from the get_id method. shows how this representation can be used to represent finite and infinite graphs.

Mandatory function in, following the API described there:

  • astar

Do not remove or change the default_heuristic in

Note: The comment for get_neighbors in used to incorrectly state that its return value was a list of 3-tuples. In fact the return value is a list of Edge object, each of which contains three attributes. This has been corrected in the framework on 7/9/2019. This was only a change in documentation, the actual functionality was unaffected by this change.

Task 3: PDDL Parser and Planner

In this task, you will first parse PDDL files and extract formulas as abstract syntax trees, and then use these abstract syntax trees to construct a logical representation of a planning domain and problem. Then you will use the search algorithm developed in task 2 to find a sequence of actions that transforms the initial state into a state that satisfies the goal condition.

The first step will be to parse PDDL files, which follow a LISP-inspired syntax, also known as (space-separated, list-supporting) S-Expressions. The easiest way to parse S-expressions is to first tokenize the input, splitting at spaces, and ensuring that the opening and closing parenthesis are their own tokens (note that the comment character is ; and all lines starting with that character should be ignored). It is also recommended to convert all input to lower case, since PDDL is not case-sensitive, and you may encounter domains with capitalized operator names.

Parsing itself uses a stack: Tokens are consumed in sequence, and pushed onto the stack. When a closing parenthesis is encountered, elements are popped from the stack and accumulated in a list until the first opening parenthesis is encountered on the stack. Then the resulting list is pushed onto the stack. For example, the token sequence ‘(‘ ‘and’ ‘(‘ ‘block’ ‘a’ ‘)’ ‘(‘ ‘not’ ‘(‘ ‘on’ ‘a’ ‘b’ ‘)’ ‘)’ ‘)’ is parsed by first pushing ‘(‘, ‘and’, ‘(‘, ‘block’, and ‘a’ onto the stack, then, when the ‘)’ token is encountered, the items until the first opening parenthesis on the stack are popped and put into the list ['block', 'a'], which is then pushed onto the stack. Then the tokens ‘(‘, ‘not’, ‘(‘, ‘on’, ‘a’, and ‘b’ are pushed. The next closing parenthesis, pops items until the next opening parenthesis, resulting in the list ['on', 'a', 'b'], which is pushed onto the stack. At this point our stack consists of:

['on', 'a', 'b']
['block', 'a']

The last two tokens are both closing parentheses, the first of which will take ‘not’ and ['on', 'a', 'b'] and result in the list ['not', ['on', 'a', 'b']] (important: The existing list is added as a sub-list, you must not process it in any special way, just treat it like all other tokens on the stack.), which is then pushed onto the stack. The final closing parenthesis will result in the list ['and', ['block', 'a'], ['not', ['on', 'a', 'b']]]. Note that this is exactly the same format as the functions developed in task 1 expect for logical formulas.

Once you have converted a PDDL file into an abstract syntax tree, you need to identify the different parts. For an example, refer to wumpus.pddl and wumpusproblem.pddl in the framework repository. The domain file defines types, constants, predicates, and operators (action schemata). Its root node is called define, under which there are several sections, some of which are optional:

  • The domain section defines the name of the domain
  • The :requirements section defines which capabilities the planner has to support for the domain. Our planner will be able to support :strips, :typing, and :disjunctive-preconditions, :equality, :existential-preconditions, :universal-preconditions, :conditional-effects, and hence :adl (which is a combination of the others).
  • The :types section defines which types (sets of objects) exist in the domain, and how the types are related (optional).
  • The :constants section defines which (constant) objects exist in the domain, and (optionally) which type they have.
  • The :predicates section defines which predicates exist in the domain (optional).
  • Each :action section defines one action schema, described in more detail below. The domain may have arbitrarily many action schemata (although there should be at least one, or there can’t be any plans).

You may assume that you are only given well-formed PDDL files suitable for your planner, and can therefore ignore validating syntax, the requirements section, predicates, or types.

An action schema consists of a name, parameters, a precondition and an effect. The parameters are defined as a list of parameter names, optionally with type information. Typing syntax in PDDL is a bit odd: A type is preceded by a dash, which has to be its own token, surrounded by whitespace, e.g. ?s - Stories. However, multiple variables (or objects) may be given the same type by using the abbreviated syntax ?a ?b ?c - Stories, i.e. all variables preceding the dash will have the type Stories. I recommend iterating over the parameter information, accumulating variables in a list, and when a type definition is encountered (a dash followed by a type), all variables currently in the list will be assigned that type. Additionally, when the end of the list is reached without encountering another type specification, all remaining variables are assigned the type "". For example:

(?who - agent ?from ?to - square ?what)

?who has type agent, ?from and ?to both have the type square, and ?what has the type "", i.e. no type. Note that the syntax for constants follows the same rules for typing.

The precondition and effect of an action are logical expressions, where the effect will consist of a conjunction of atoms, negations of atoms, forall-quantified expressions, and when-expressions. As with other constraints, you can assume that this is the case and do not have to validate it. Note that the action’s parameters (if present) will be part of the precondition and/or effect formulas.

The type hierarchy defines not only which types exist, but also how they are related. The syntax is similar to the typing syntax used elsewhere, but rather than defining types of objects, it defines subtype/supertype relations. For example

(:types truck
        airplane - vehicle
        vehicle - physobj
        location - place
        physobj - object)

This defines that all trucks and airplanes are vehicles, all packages and vehicles (and hence all trucks and airplanes) are physical objects, all airports and locations are places, and all cities, places and physical objects are objects. It is important to take this information into account, because the type vehicle may be references somewhere, but there is no object that explicitely has been assigned the type vehicle, only truck or airplane.

The problem file defines objects, the initial state, and the goal condition. The idea between separating the problem from the domain is that the domain only specifies how the world operates, and can be reused for multiple different problems. Like the domain, the root node of the problem file is called define, with several subsections. The problem section defines the name of the problem, while the :domain section specifies the required domain (this should match the used domain file exactly, but you do not have to validate this). The main sections of the problem file are :objects, :init and :goal. The :objects section follows the same syntax as the :constants section in the domain file, and for our purposes the contents of the two should be merged. The :init section consists of a list of atomic formulas, which specify what is true in the initial state of the world (everything else is considered to be false, called the Closed World Assumption). Finally, the :goal section contains a single logical expression, which defines which states are considered to be goal states.

Your parser should be implemented in the file, and has to implement two functions:

  • parse_domain is passed the file name of a PDDL domain file, and returns a parsed representation of that domain. I recommend returning a list of an action schemata representation, a dictionary mapping types to sets of constants for each type, and the type hierarchy information. Take care to include an extra mapping from the type "" to a set of all objects.
  • parse_problem is passed the file name of a PDDL problem file, and returns a parsed representation of the problem. I recommend returning a dictionary mapping types to sets of objects for each type (same as for the domain), a list of atoms representing the initial state, and an expression object (perhaps obtained with expressions.make_expression) representing the goal.

The exact return values are up to you, they will be passed to planner.plan, where you will have to process them further as you see fit.

The second part of the assignment requires you to implement the actual planning process in in the function plan. This process entails two parts:

  • Take the parsed domain and problem and convert them into a graph.
  • Use pathfinding.astar to find a plan.

It is recommended to create a subclass of graph.Node that represents a state in the planning process. This state will get a list of all possible actions, and when get_neighbors is called, will use these actions to generate all possible successor states. First, to generate the actual list of actions, the action schemata need to be ground, i.e. for each action schema, all possible values for all parameters are inserted, resulting in actions free of unbound variables (there may still be variables present, but they will be bound by forall or exists quantifiers). For example, the move action schema in the wumpus domain will result in 36 ground actions (1 agent times 6 squares times 6 squares). When get_neighbors is called, each action’s preconditions are checked against the current world, and only actions that can be applied will result in a neighbor. In our case the edge leading to that neighbor will always have cost 1, i.e. each action is equally expensive to take. Important: We will give each action a name, corresponding to the action schema name, followed by the parameter values in the defined order as a parameter list. For example, one ground action resulting from the move action schema in the wumpus world would be move(agent-1,sq-1-1,sq-2-1). These action names have to be used as the edge names in the search process, in order to ensure consistent output.

The id returned by get_id of each state should be derived from the atoms that hold in that state, such that any two states with the same collection of atoms compare as equal, but not any others.

When you have defined your planning problem as a graph this way, you need to define a goal, which will make use of the functionality in expressions.models to determine whether a given state satisfies the goal condition. With the graph defined, and this goal function you should be able to use pathfinding.astar directly using the default heuristic. It should return a plan for the wumpus domain consisting of 10 steps:


In order to test your planner more, you should try to come up with your own domain and problem. You can also find many planning domains on the internet, a particularly large collection can be found in this repository. Of these domains, I can particularly recommend those in the airport and airport-adl directories. The difficulty of these problems increases with increasing numbers, but your planner should be able to solve many of the first 10 or 11 in less than 5 seconds. In the next task we will look at how to improve the performance of the planner. More complex domains can be found here. Your planner may only be able to solve the first one or two problems of each of these domains, but they provide more test cases. Take particular note of the logistics domain, as it uses the type hierarchy mentioned above.


Mandatory functions in, following the API described there:

  • parse_domain
  • parse_problem

Mandatory function in, following the API described there:

  • plan

Task 4: Planning Heuristic and Optimizations

In this task you will make your planner faster. The first, most obvious way to do so, is by implementing a planning heuristic instead of using the default heuristic which always returns 0. There is basically an infinite number of planning heuristics out there, and this task will require some creativity to determine which one to use. One basic class of heuristics consists of solving a relaxed version of the planning problem, which may be done quickly, and use the length of the solution to the relaxed problem as the heuristic value. For example, by ignoring all negative literals, applying actions to states will only ever increase the number of atoms that are true. By starting with the set of atoms true in a state, and applying actions until all atoms required by the goal condition have been added, we can get an approximation for how “close” a state is to the goal, and use this approximation as our heuristic value. The Fast Forward Planning System, which has performed remarkably well in planning competitions when it was first presented, uses a variant of GraphPlan to solve this relaxed problem without negative literals. Prior to that, the HSP planner assigned values to each atom in the goal that approximate how many actions a relaxed solution might need from the current state to make that atom true.

For your planner, you should read and understand these heuristics, and implement one of them for your planner. With this modification, your planner should be able to solve more complex problems. For example problems 6, 12 and 13 from the airport-directory in the PDDL repository should be solved in less than 5 minutes. The sample solution, without any other optimizations, needs 150 seconds for problem 6 (which needed more than 10 minutes with the default heuristic), 225 seconds for problem 12 (down from 500 with the default heuristic), and 88 seconds for problem 13 (down from 800 seconds).

Additionally, you are encouraged to implement additional optimization for your planner. One bottleneck in the current version is that all atoms are represented as strings. Because we know the set of all atoms that can possibly show up in the planning process, it is possible to map them to integers, which greatly reduces the complexity of comparisons. It is also possible to analyze the planning problem in some detail, for example by identifying which predicates never show up as effects, and therefore can never change (like the adjecancy relation in the wumpus domain). By identifying these predicates, it is possible to keep them in a separate set, which eliminates the need to copy them when an action is applied to a world. Additionally, we can use this information to discard actions that have preconditions that can never be satisfied (like moving from a square to a non-adjacent square). If you have any other ideas for optimizations, feel free to discuss them with me, and/or implement them. If you believe you came up with a good idea, but it may be too experimental, you may want to implement it only for the planning competition (See below)


There are no new mandatory functions for this task, but your planner must now use the useheuristic argument of plan to allow enabling and disabling of your heuristic.

Task 5: Planning Competition (Optional)

At the end of the semester, all planners written by the students will be competing against each other to see who was able to get the best performance out of their planner. The system used is simple: The planners will be given increasingly complex planning problems, and have 10 minutes (on my computer) to find a solution. For each correct solution found, the planner gets one point, if the time runs out before a solution is found, no points are gained. If the planner returns a solution that is invalid (e.g. using actions with unsatisfied preconditions), a point is lost. The winner is the planner with the most points after all domains/problems I have prepared have been tested. In case of a tie, the total time needed by the planners will be used to determine the winner among the tied planners.

This competition is similar to how planning competitions at the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) are run. Because I want to encourage you to push the limits of your planners, which may require some more “experimental” modifications, I will allow you to make a separate submission just for the competition. You will be graded on whatever you submit for task 4, but if you want to send me a different/modified version for the planning competition to play around with different heuristic or even more adventerous optimizations, you are free to do so. If you don’t send me a separate submission, I will automatically use your submission for task 4.

Performance Baseline

In this table you can see how my solution fares on several of the planning problems in the repository of The column “heuristic” contains an “h” if my planning heuristic (based on relaxed graphplan) was used, and a “d” if the default (constant 0) heuristic was used. As you can see, the heuristic does not always reduce the time needed to solve a problem, but in many cases it does so significantly.

PDDL Problem File heuristic expanded visited time needed
airport\p01-airport1-p1.pddl h 8 9 0.17s
airport\p01-airport1-p1.pddl d 11 12 0.12s
airport\p02-airport1-p1.pddl h 9 15 0.16s
airport\p02-airport1-p1.pddl d 16 17 0.13s
airport\p03-airport1-p2.pddl h 18 47 0.49s
airport\p03-airport1-p2.pddl d 1078 1272 30.38s
airport\p04-airport2-p1.pddl h 20 21 0.39s
airport\p04-airport2-p1.pddl d 22 23 0.15s
airport\p05-airport2-p1.pddl h 21 28 0.51s
airport\p05-airport2-p1.pddl d 34 35 0.16s
airport\p06-airport2-p2.pddl h 66 130 5.36s
airport\p06-airport2-p2.pddl d 4875 5071 332.73s
airport\p07-airport2-p2.pddl h 60 125 5.20s
airport\p07-airport2-p2.pddl d     timeout
airport\p08-airport2-p3.pddl h 116 333 32.75s
airport\p08-airport2-p3.pddl d     timeout
airport\p09-airport2-p4.pddl h     timeout
airport\p09-airport2-p4.pddl d     timeout
airport\p10-airport3-p1.pddl h 18 20 0.42s
airport\p10-airport3-p1.pddl d 22 25 0.16s
airport\p11-airport3-p1.pddl h 21 28 0.58s
airport\p11-airport3-p1.pddl d 33 34 0.17s
airport\p12-airport3-p2.pddl h 55 116 5.58s
airport\p12-airport3-p2.pddl d 4286 4792 455.59s
airport\p13-airport3-p2.pddl h 45 89 4.22s
airport\p13-airport3-p2.pddl d 1847 1960 59.88s
airport\p14-airport3-p3.pddl h 104 294 29.08s
airport\p14-airport3-p3.pddl d     timeout
airport-adl\p01-airport1-p1.pddl h 14 18 57.98s
airport-adl\p01-airport1-p1.pddl d 18 20 2.23s
airport-adl\p02-airport1-p1.pddl h 21 25 85.07s
airport-adl\p02-airport1-p1.pddl d 24 27 2.30s
airport-adl\p03-airport1-p2.pddl h     timeout
airport-adl\p03-airport1-p2.pddl d 600 645 28.53s
airport-adl\p04-airport2-p1.pddl h     timeout
airport-adl\p04-airport2-p1.pddl d 42 43 13.95s
airport-adl\p05-airport2-p1.pddl h     timeout
airport-adl\p05-airport2-p1.pddl d 48 51 14.42s
airport-adl\p06-airport2-p2.pddl h     timeout
airport-adl\p06-airport2-p2.pddl d 2677 2738 540.40s
airport-adl\p07-airport2-p2.pddl h     timeout
airport-adl\p07-airport2-p2.pddl d 2646 2699 532.61s
elevators-00-adl\s1-0.pddl h 5 6 0.12s
elevators-00-adl\s1-0.pddl d 4 4 0.11s
elevators-00-adl\s1-1.pddl h 5 6 0.11s
elevators-00-adl\s1-1.pddl d 4 4 0.11s
elevators-00-adl\s1-2.pddl h 4 4 0.12s
elevators-00-adl\s1-2.pddl d 4 4 0.11s
elevators-00-strips\s1-0.pddl h 4 4 0.16s
elevators-00-strips\s1-0.pddl d 4 4 0.11s
elevators-00-strips\s1-1.pddl h 4 4 0.11s
elevators-00-strips\s1-1.pddl d 4 4 0.11s
elevators-00-strips\s1-2.pddl h 4 4 0.11s
elevators-00-strips\s1-2.pddl d 4 4 0.11s
elevators-00-strips\s1-3.pddl h 4 4 0.12s
elevators-00-strips\s1-3.pddl d 4 4 0.11s
movie\prob01.pddl h 129 140 3.18s
movie\prob01.pddl d 289 354 15.74s
movie\prob02.pddl h 134 134 4.37s
movie\prob02.pddl d 165 166 5.91s
movie\prob03.pddl h 158 159 7.73s
movie\prob03.pddl d 127 127 5.41s
movie\prob04.pddl h 127 127 6.74s
movie\prob04.pddl d 127 127 6.93s
movie\prob05.pddl h 127 127 8.42s
movie\prob05.pddl d 232 263 25.60s
movie\prob06.pddl h 158 159 14.40s
movie\prob06.pddl d 284 313 40.67s
movie\prob07.pddl h 127 127 12.14s
movie\prob07.pddl d 184 190 23.73s
movie\prob08.pddl h 233 233 46.19s
movie\prob08.pddl d 196 196 36.84s
movie\prob09.pddl h 188 197 30.19s
movie\prob09.pddl d 184 190 32.28s
movie\prob10.pddl h 127 127 19.04s
movie\prob10.pddl d 127 127 19.21s
movie\prob11.pddl h 158 159 32.63s
movie\prob11.pddl d 127 127 23.10s
movie\prob12.pddl h 127 127 24.79s
movie\prob12.pddl d 127 127 25.36s
movie\prob13.pddl h 127 127 27.43s
movie\prob13.pddl d 127 127 27.30s
movie\prob14.pddl h 184 190 59.01s
movie\prob14.pddl d 127 127 30.72s
movie\prob15.pddl h 127 127 33.89s
movie\prob15.pddl d 127 127 34.01s
movie\prob16.pddl h 127 127 37.04s
movie\prob16.pddl d 184 190 72.65s
movie\prob17.pddl h 158 159 57.58s
movie\prob17.pddl d 226 237 116.48s
movie\prob18.pddl h 127 127 45.51s
movie\prob18.pddl d 184 190 88.48s
movie\prob19.pddl h 269 311 200.22s
movie\prob19.pddl d 164 173 68.24s
movie\prob20.pddl h 344 409 338.36s
movie\prob20.pddl d 206 232 130.79s
movie\prob21.pddl h 225 231 153.62s
movie\prob21.pddl d 232 238 173.96s
movie\prob22.pddl h 127 127 63.55s
movie\prob22.pddl d 158 159 87.58s
movie\prob23.pddl h 127 127 64.98s
movie\prob23.pddl d 153 158 80.68s
movie\prob24.pddl h 127 127 70.35s
movie\prob24.pddl d 127 127 70.40s
movie\prob25.pddl h 127 127 75.20s
movie\prob25.pddl d 127 127 74.32s
movie\prob26.pddl h 158 159 110.80s
movie\prob26.pddl d 127 127 81.98s
movie\prob27.pddl h 127 127 85.90s
movie\prob27.pddl d 127 127 84.22s
movie\prob28.pddl h 184 190 178.61s
movie\prob28.pddl d 184 190 176.34s
movie\prob29.pddl h 127 127 95.54s
movie\prob29.pddl d 127 127 95.49s
movie\prob30.pddl h 206 232 254.15s
movie\prob30.pddl d 184 190 196.72s
psr-small\p01-s2-n1-l2-f50.pddl h 20 25 0.17s
psr-small\p01-s2-n1-l2-f50.pddl d 21 22 0.11s
psr-small\p02-s5-n1-l3-f30.pddl h 388 1207 10.49s
psr-small\p02-s5-n1-l3-f30.pddl d 1849 2301 37.69s
psr-small\p03-s7-n1-l3-f70.pddl h 90 157 0.30s
psr-small\p03-s7-n1-l3-f70.pddl d 264 293 0.42s
psr-small\p04-s8-n1-l4-f10.pddl h 21 66 0.22s
psr-small\p04-s8-n1-l4-f10.pddl d 530 727 4.53s
psr-small\p05-s9-n1-l4-f30.pddl h 127 430 1.72s
psr-small\p05-s9-n1-l4-f30.pddl d 1670 2046 27.42s
psr-small\p06-s10-n1-l4-f50.pddl h 65 172 0.39s
psr-small\p06-s10-n1-l4-f50.pddl d 321 445 1.34s
psr-small\p07-s11-n1-l4-f70.pddl h 228 780 4.69s
psr-small\p07-s11-n1-l4-f70.pddl d 4627 5957 349.13s
psr-small\p08-s12-n1-l5-f10.pddl h 40 115 0.33s
psr-small\p08-s12-n1-l5-f10.pddl d 207 262 0.55s
psr-small\p09-s13-n1-l5-f30.pddl h 40 88 0.25s
psr-small\p09-s13-n1-l5-f30.pddl d 243 314 0.77s
psr-small\p10-s17-n2-l2-f30.pddl h 81 594 5.58s
psr-small\p10-s17-n2-l2-f30.pddl d     timeout
psr-small\p11-s18-n2-l2-f50.pddl h     timeout
psr-small\p11-s18-n2-l2-f50.pddl d     timeout
psr-small\p12-s21-n2-l3-f30.pddl h 278 789 4.33s
psr-small\p12-s21-n2-l3-f30.pddl d 2875 3567 58.20s
psr-small\p13-s22-n2-l3-f50.pddl h 434 1178 9.70s
psr-small\p13-s22-n2-l3-f50.pddl d 1235 1289 6.65s
psr-small\p14-s23-n2-l3-f70.pddl h 155 902 9.90s
psr-small\p14-s23-n2-l3-f70.pddl d     timeout
psr-small\p15-s24-n2-l4-f10.pddl h 80 313 9.19s
psr-small\p15-s24-n2-l4-f10.pddl d     timeout
tpp\p01.pddl h 5 6 0.18s
tpp\p01.pddl d 8 8 0.12s
tpp\p02.pddl h 17 33 0.26s
tpp\p02.pddl d 33 36 0.15s
tpp\p03.pddl h 58 98 1.07s
tpp\p03.pddl d 229 235 0.65s
tpp\p04.pddl h 123 251 3.89s
tpp\p04.pddl d 2642 2754 64.49s
tpp\p05.pddl h 45 177 6.20s
tpp\p05.pddl d     timeout
tpp\p06.pddl h 212 1062 230.57s
tpp\p06.pddl d     timeout
tpp\p07.pddl h 112 677 204.42s

Late submission policy

Every submission is due before the end of the day (anywhere-on-earth) as noted above. Late submissions will be given a reduced score, which linearly scales to 0% until 48 hours after the submission deadline, as determined by the hour and minute I receive the submission email. For example, if the assignment is submitted exactly 24 hours late, the points will be reduced by 50%, but if the assignment is only submitted 5 hours and 23 minutes late, the points will be reduced by 11.2%. Extenuating circumstances may be taken into account, if and only if they are discussed with the instructor before the assignment deadline.